Chapter 33

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Warning: Vanilla oral.


Warmth envelops me like a cocoon, a comforting embrace that lulls me from the depths of sleep. I stir, a soft exhale escaping my lips as I feel the hot breath against the top of my head. Slowly, I become aware of the solid presence beneath me, the rise and fall of a chest against my own. My legs are wrapped around his torso, drawing me closer to him in an instinctual gesture of intimacy.

As consciousness begins to seep into my mind, I become aware of the rhythmic thud of his heartbeat echoing against my own. It's a steady, reassuring rhythm that grounds me in the present moment. I shift slightly, feeling the gentle pressure of his wings wrapped around my back, cocooning me in their protective embrace. How Azriel managed to move me completely on top of him in the night is a mystery, but I find myself grateful for the closeness it brings.

With a languid stretch, I open my eyes, greeted by the sight of one of his leathery wings stretched out beside me. The intricate network of veins, muscles, and membranes stands out against the soft glow of sunlight filtering through the window, casting a mesmerising pattern of shadows across his skin. I can't help but marvel at the beauty of it, the way each detail seems to come alive in the gentle morning light.

Turning my head, I find myself drawn to his lips, their soft curves bathed in sunlight. They are parted ever so slightly, as if inviting a kiss, and I feel a flutter of anticipation stir within me. His features are softened in the morning light, his expression peaceful and serene as he sleeps.

With a tender touch, I reach out to trace the contours of his face, marvelling at the feel of his skin beneath my fingertips. He stirs at my touch, a faint murmur escaping his lips as he nuzzles closer to me. His warmth surrounds me like a blanket, chasing away the remnants of sleep and leaving me feeling fully alive in the moment.

I try to wriggle free from Azriel's grasp, but his arms hold me in place like an unyielding cage. He grumbles sleepily, his words unintelligible, and then deftly manoeuvres us so that he's on top, his body pressing against mine from behind. Despite the slight discomfort of being pushed to the edge of the bed, I find solace in the warmth of his embrace, his arms and legs enfolding me in a protective cocoon.

"Sleep," he commands in a firm tone, his breath warm against my ear. There's no room for negotiation, no chance to protest, and so I resign myself to his embrace, feeling the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest against my back.

But just as I start to drift off, a mischievous thought crosses my mind, and I can't resist the urge to tease him. "Tell me, Shadowsinger, did you pull a dagger on me in the night?" I jest, a playful grin tugging at the corners of my lips.

To my surprise, I sense a flicker of embarrassment and surprise from him through our bond. Before I can react, he's already creating distance between us, causing me to tumble off the bed with a startled yelp.

The impact against the wooden floor sends a sharp jolt of pain shooting through my hip, and I groan in discomfort as I try to sit up. Before I can fully process what's happening, I feel Azriel's hands wrapping around my arm and leg, lifting me effortlessly back onto the bed.

"Sorry," he whispers against my skin, his lips trailing kisses across my forehead, cheeks, and chin before finally reaching my lips. The kiss is short but sweet, filled with an unspoken apology and concern.

"Are you all right?" he asks, his eyes searching mine for any signs of pain or discomfort.

I nod, offering him a reassuring smile despite the lingering ache in my hip. "Just a bruise, I think," I assure him, reaching up to brush a strand of hair away from his face. "Nothing serious."

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