8.Sugar Daddy

Depuis le début

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"This are so beautiful..." Tae said.

"Thankyou.." Kook replied..

"Tae, Kook come down. Dinner time." Jin shouted from downstairs

After some minutes Taekook came down and sat on the dinning area.

"Dad, how was the meeting." Tae asked.

"It was fine." Namjoon replied.

"Okay no business talk while eating.." Jin said coming with Jimin.

They also take their seats.

Maids brought the food and served them.

"Kook hope you liked the food..." Jin said.

Kook was looking at the dishes excitedly because all were his favourite.

"How do you know my favourite foods..." Kook asked.

"We asked your mother.." Jimin replied.

Kook gave a bunny smile.

"Okay now taste the food and tell me how is it." Jin said .

After that they start eating.

"Thankyou for the dinner Mom it was  delicious." Kook said...

Jin smiled.

"Only Thanks to Mom. I also helped him." Jimin said.

"Thanks to you too hyung." Kook said..

Jimin smiled.

They all were sitting in the living room. Discussion about the reception party.

"Okay tomorrow get ready before 6 pm. " Namjoon said...

Others nodded.

After that they all went to sleep.

Next day.

His Bunny Baby.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant