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Chapter II
No One POV

"I think I'm going to go." Izuku practically whispered as he looked down at his lap. He was sitting on the couch in his living room, Katsuki sitting next to him and his mom sitting on the chair next to the couch. His mom hadn't heard him but Katsuki had. "That's great!" He said happily standing up and pulling Izuku up to hug him. "You're not upset?" Izuku asked as he tried to pull away from Katsuki. "Of course not! I'm going to miss you greatly, don't get me wrong, but this is such a great opportunity for you, I can't help me happy that you are taking it." Katsuki said as he brought his forehead to Izuku's.

"You're going then sweetie?" Inko asked as she stood up walking over to the couple. Izuku just nodded before pulling away from Katsuki and hugging his mom. Inko hugged him back, and held out on arm for Katsuki to join the hug. He happily joined in on the hug. The three stood there for quite a while just enjoying the embrace of the others.

There moment was interrupted when Katsuki's phone rang. He pulled away grabbing his phone answering the call. "Hello?" He asked into the phone. "Katsuki, I want you home tonight, I get that you want to spend time with your mate, but you are never home anymore, I want you home tonight. Got it." Mitsuki told her son, not leaving any room for discussion. "Got it." Katsuki said before hanging up on the call. His frown was evident on his face.

"Kacchan? What's wrong?" Izuku asked making his way over to the blond. "My mom wants me home tonight." Katsuki said not looking at Izuku's eyes. "Oh." Izuku said the disappointment clear in his voice. "I'm sorry baby." Katsuki whispered as he hugged Izuku burying his nose in the smaller male's scent gland. "It's okay Kacchan, I know it's not your decision." Izuku said as he released a calming scent. "How did I get so lucky to have you?" Katsuki asked as he cracked a smile and ruffled Izuku's hair. "You didn't, you got stuck with me when you were there when I was born." Izuku said smiling as he looked at Katsuki.

Izuku then wrapped his arms around Katsuki's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Katsuki kissed back as he brought his hands to Izuku's waist. Inko then silently walked out of the room deciding not to watch her son make out with his mate.
After so long it was time for Katsuki to go home. "If you can't come over tomorrow, call me in the morning." Izuku said before giving Katsuki a peck on the lips. This time he knew his mom was standing right there and didn't want to really kiss Katsuki in front of her. "Will do." Katsuki said with a smile before kissing Izuku's forehead, causing Izuku to turn pink. "I love you." Izuku said mumbled as he hugged Katsuki. "I love you too." Katsuki responded, giving out a loving scent before pulling away and opening the door. Izuku waved as Katsuki walked down the driveway, walking away from the house. After almost an hour Katsuki arrived home.

He tried the door knob and found it unlocked. He let himself in and took of his shoes. He then walked farther into the house. There he saw both of his parents sitting on the couch. His mother was invested in something on her phone, while his father was reading a book. He cleared his throat getting both of the adult's attention. "Why was I needed home?" Katsuki demanded to know, leaning against the trim around the door way, that didn't have a door. "You aren't home at all anymore, we are your parents, we want to see you." Mitsuki told him crossing her arms. "Besides, you can spend a couple days away from your mate, you are getting older and you plan to go to UA, UA has dorms, you won't be seeing Izuku that often anyway." She said making a good point.
"You'll be able to spend plenty of time with me in three months. Izuku got invited to act in a new film being produced by Riverside Studios. He leaves in three months and will stay in America for at least a year." Katsuki explained as he glared at his mother. Both of his parents stared at him in shock. "He's only going to be 15." Masaru says after a little bit. "Yeah, but he is one of the best actors here in Japan. Have you ever watched any of the films or plays he has been in?" Katsuki was slightly disappointed in his parents.

Neither responded and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "I'm going to my room, as much as I don't want to stay here, I do need to start upping my training if I want to get into UA, so I am going to stay until tomorrow night." Katsuki said before heading up to his room, not giving his parents another glance.

Katsuki got to his room and immediately flopped down on his bed. He already missed Izuku. That's really when it hit him how hard this next year was going to be. If he couldn't handle one night away from his mate, how was he every going to last a year without seeing him in person? He let his arm rest over his eyes as tears pricked the corners of his eyes.

He was happy for Izuku, he just knew that this coming year was not going to be easy for either of them. Before he could actually start crying Katsuki untied the hoodie from his waist and brought it up to his face. It was his hoodie, it was orange with a black x shape on both the front and back, but it was Izuku's favorite of Katsuki's hoodies. Izuku had scented before he had left. He brought it up to his nose and inhaled the sweet strawberry with a hint of mint scent that was his mate's.

Eventually Katsuki nodded off, and without any disturbances he fell asleep. He slept soundly, dreaming of having his mate in his arms. He loved Izuku more than anything else in the world, he wouldn't trade his mate for anything. Not even to be a hero.

1063 words

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