Chapter 13 - Lockdown

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I had a hard time sleeping since nightmares came back. Joseph was nice to comfort me back to sleep.

He even read to me which was nice.

I woke up to the sun shining on my face. I was about to get up when Joseph pulled me back into him.

"No." He groaned

I tried to move his hands off my stomach but he had a strong grip

"No!" He yelled

"Let me up please." I said


"I need to pee."


"I'll pee in your bed."

He finally loosened his grip "hurry back."

I got out of bed and when I stood up I felt a shock of pain in my ankle that made me shriek in pain and sat back on the bed. Joseph woke fully up and got up to help me. I was grabbing my left ankle with tears running down my face.

"I think you sprained your ankle." He said.

I nodded. He picked me up bridal style and took me to the bathroom. I did my business and he helped me back down stairs. He made me breakfast and gave me back my clothes from yesterday.

"I should get home."

"I can take you." He said

"You don't mind?" I asked

"Of course I don't mind. And I do believe you need to either go to a doctor or get some ice on that leg."

"Yes sir." I teased.

He laughed and smiled at me.

"Come on let me drive you home."

After we got to me house I saw that my mom's car was still there. Joseph noticed my hands were shaking

"Hey." Joseph said while putting his hand on mine.

"It's okay."

I looked over at him and nodded.

He got out of his car and opened my door. He picked me up bridal style and walked me to the front door.

The door was left unlocked. We went into the living room where Rick and my mom were arguing. Sean was just standing there watching them yell at each other when he noticed me and Joseph.

"Rose?" He said

Both mom and Rick turned and saw me

"Who the hell is this?!" She yelled

"Oi calm down. I'm Joseph Quinn, your daughter's art professor." He said while putting me on the couch.

"Rosemary Jacob's where did you go?!" Rick asked.

I tried to come with a lie but I couldn't think right.


"She stayed at her friend's house. I was out for a run when she tripped into a pot hole and sprained her ankle. I saw her and she told me what happened. Then I took her to her friend" Joseph lied.

My mom walked towards him. "I'm Terri" she said offering her hand for him to shake

"Get that hand away from me."

She pulled her hand back in shock

"Excuse me?!" She yelled

"Rose told me all about you."


"Why in the world would you put your hands on her?!"

"I don't know what drugs she's on but she's telling you lies."

The Art of Love with Professor Joseph Quinn Where stories live. Discover now