Healing 💙

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Author's Pov 

*As Diksha's eyes fluttered open, the haze of anesthesia began to lift. Gradually, the faces of her loved ones came into focus, gathered around her bed. She felt a mix of relief and confusion, trying to piece together what had happened. Their expressions softened as they noticed her awakening, filling her with a sense of warmth and security. She blinked, adjusting to the brightness of the room. She tried to sit but was unable to do so because of the pain. Darshan quickly went towards her to help her. Diksha leaned on him for support as she sat up.*

*Diksha's parents went and sat beside her. No words were needed; their mere presence spoke volumes, offering Diksha a sense of security and calm amidst the uncertainty of her post-operative state.*

Darshan: Mein doctor ko bula ke aata hu.

*He went and called the doctor.*

*The doctor entered the room. He asked a few simple questions to Diksha, inquiring about her well-being and pain level. Diksha, still groggy from the anesthesia, managed to muster a weak response, conveying her discomfort but also her gratitude for the doctor's care.*

Doctor: She is fine now. You can take her home in an hour. We just have to check if there are any side effects of anesthesia or the operation.

Diksha's Mom: Ok sir.

*The doctor leaves.*

*Darshan sat next to Diksha, their hands intertwined. Diksha held onto his hand lightly, finding comfort in his presence as she endured the pain. His steady support provided her with a sense of peace amidst the discomfort, offering a silent source of strength.*

Darshan: You did it. You won the battle Diksha. I'm proud of you.

*With a faint smile, Diksha expressed her gratitude for Darshan, her eyes reflecting a mixture of relief and exhaustion.*

*As Darshan leaned in to kiss her forehead, Diksha felt a wave of affection wash over her. His gesture conveyed a sense of care and protection, reassuring her that she wasn't alone in her recovery. In that simple moment, she found comfort in his embrace, grateful for his unwavering support during this challenging time.*

*Observing Darshan's caring gestures towards their daughter, Diksha's parents felt a deep sense of gratitude and reassurance

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*Observing Darshan's caring gestures towards their daughter, Diksha's parents felt a deep sense of gratitude and reassurance. Seeing the love he showered upon her filled their hearts with warmth, and they silently prayed for their bond to remain unbreakable. With heartfelt prayers, they hoped that no negative forces could ever come between Diksha and Darshan, wishing for their happiness and well-being to endure.*

Diksha's Mom And Dad: Hayye nazar na lage inko.

 *Diksha's parents gave the couple their heartfelt blessings. Placing their hands on their heads, they wished them a future full of love and happiness. In that simple yet profound gesture, they conveyed their support and hope for Diksha and Darshan's relationship.*

*After 1 hour.*

*As they headed home, Darshan drove the car with utmost care, ensuring a smooth and gentle journey for Diksha's comfort. His cautious approach reflected his deep concern for her well-being, as he didn't want to cause her any additional discomfort. Upon reaching Diksha's apartment, Darshan dropped off Diksha, her parents and her friends. He told them that he'll return soon with his belongings as he planned to stay with Diksha and take care of her during her recovery, her parents and friends are goings back to Punjab after two days.*

*Diksha, seated in a wheelchair due to her weak legs, was carefully wheeled inside her room by Tanishq. With gentle assistance, Tanishq helped her settle onto the bed. Just as they were getting settled, Darshan arrived with a bag containing his belongings.*


I know short part hai par abb isse zada mein kya he likh sakti hu. Only 1 part left then this story will end. So this was the end of Part-45, hope you liked it, Part-46 will come soon. Stay Tuned.

See Yaa 

Love Love 


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