Chapter 2: Treating a meal (Ye-Jun's POV)

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*He got so close to me that I backed away until I pressed myself against the wall. Now I
started to feel the same feeling from 2 years ago. His strong Alpha-Pheromones are like
chains, I can't walk away or punch him...I-I-I can't move! I don't want you to touch me,
please! Somebody needs to help me*
*Suddenly he got punched by something...or SOMEBODY? How could I be so lucky? He flew away and I asked myself if it's the same person from 2 years ago. The man in the suit who punched my ex boyfriend took a step back. He positioned himself behind a very tall and heavily muscled man, with more suit-clad people behind him. I started to feel very anxious. Is it the same man who saved my life the last time? Suddenly I felt dizzy, probably because of the two strong pheromones, and I fell to the ground. The very tall man caught me. With my eyes half-opened, I could now see his face. He has medium-length black hair tied up in a bun. His hair is very messy, and I even think he has some kind of a mullet. His eyes are almost black and small. He has a big nose and thick black eyebrows. At his left eyebrow, he has a very big scar that also goes through his left eye. He also wears earrings, and there's a very cold expression on his face but also some kind of a warm smile. The man gestured to two suit-clad people, and they nodded before running after my ex-boyfriend, who was trying to escape.*

"*Ironically in mind* Is he some kind of a mafia boss?"
???:"*Deep voice* Hey? Are you okay?"
"Oh yeah sure, *stands up* thanks for your help but I-I-I think I should go inside now. My friends are getting worried but can I treat you a meal, just as a thank you?"
*he raised his left eyebrow with a little smirk*
"*In mind* What does that mean? I can't read his facial expressions; he's so emotionless..."
???:"Sure if you want to."
"*In mind* Wtf is this answer?! I'm so confused."
"Ok so I will go inside grab my stuff and we can go to a bar nearby. Just wait here ok?"
*I hurried inside to see my friends, worried*
Ayuna:"Ye-Jun are you ok? You were out for 20 min."
Jeong-Ho:"Did something happened to your mother? Do you wanna talk-"
*I'm grabbing my stuff while listening to them*
"*In hurry* Don't worry guys my mother is fine but I have to go now I will text you everything later."
Ayuna:"*Confused* Oh uhm... sure ok but be save."
*Before Jeong-Ho could say anything, I went out of the club*

"Ok I'm back. Let's get some food-"
*Just now I realized how scary this man looks. I felt so dizzy 5 min ago that I didn't realized it*
???:"Ok, let's get into the car."
"*In mind* Is he a dominant Alpha?! His pheromones are so strong and also...what car?!"
*A big black limousine drove right in front of us, and a suit-clad man opened the door for both of us.*
Driver of the limousine:"Good evening boss."
"*In mind* BOSS? In what movie am I?! Am I going to be kidnapped?"
???:"Don't worry and just get in the car."
"*Nervous* O-O-Ok..."
"*In mind* Can he read minds? What is happening? I've never been in such a big limousine before, and what exactly am I doing right now? I don't even know his name, and I just got into his car!"
*The door closes*
"*In mind* Now it's just me and the guy whose name I still don't know. It's so quiet in here; I can't bear this awkward silence!"
???:"Where would you like to have a meal?"
*He looks right into my eyes, and I couldn't help but awkwardly glance to the left and right. I just can't look at him straight; his gaze is just too much for me*
"Uhm, let's go to the <<Barbecue Park>> it's nearby, and I love their meat."
*Silence but he's still looking at me*
???:"Everything you want"
"*In mind* It feels like he's some kind of sugar dad#y. I know he's a dominant Alpha and I'm just an omega but still... who does he think he is?! His sentences are so short, and he's just answering my questions. I feel like I'm the only one carrying the conversation!"

*5 minutes later* ~Still awkward silence in the car~

"Sooo... *trying to break the silence* I'm Ye-Jun and 23 years old, the guy that got punched by one of your guards is my ex boyfriend Jong Hyun and what's your name?"
*He smirked..again*
???:"My name is Siwon and I'm 30 years old."
"*In mind* 30 YEARS OLD? He looks like he's in his twenties."
"Nice to meet you Siwon!"
*I bow*
"I'm sorry but I have to ask. Are you some kind of CEO at a well-known company or why are there so many suit-clad people around you calling you Boss?"
*He paused for a second. The driver looking at us worried trough the rearview mirror*
"*In mind* Why does the driver looks so scared and worried? Shouldn't I be asking that question?"
"You know...*worried* just forget it. You don't have to tell me anything."
Siwon (CEO?/30/Dominant Alpha):"It's okay, you can ask me whatever you want. And yes, I'm a boss at a company, but I don't think you can call me a CEO."
"*In mind* That's strange. I feel like I'm in a movie. WHAT IS GOING ON?! And why is this ride taking so long?"
Driver of the limousine:"Boss, we arrived."
*The car stopped and another man opened the door for us. I went out of the car first. Siwon after me.*
"*In mind* This was the craziest drive I've ever had. Let's just get into it."
Siwon:"Look's nice but quite expensive. *Smiling* Are you sure you wanna treat me a meal?"
"*In mind* Oh gosh... he's right. I completely forgot that I have to pay for his meal too, and as a student, I'm almost broke. I just chose the first thing that came to my mind, but I can't back out now."
"*Confident* Of course I will. What a question!"
*I smiled at him while walking to the entrance*


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