Chapter 1

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As the shockwaves of the spilled drink reverberated through the room, Angélique's composure wavered, her graceful facade cracking under the weight of indignation. "Verstappen!" she exclaimed, her voice sharp with anger, "Watch where you're going!"

Max, his own temper flaring in response to Angélique's accusatory tone, retorted, "I didn't see you there, Angie. It was an accident." But Angélique, her nickname falling from Max's lips like a shard of glass, remained unconvinced. With a disdainful glance at her ruined gown, she snapped, "Accident or not, you've ruined my dress!"

Lando, ever the peacemaker, stepped forward, his expression a mix of concern and diplomacy. "Come on, Angie," he urged, gesturing towards the balcony overlooking the glittering Monaco skyline. "Let's step outside for a moment, cool off." Reluctantly, Angélique allowed Lando to guide her away from the escalating tension, her anger simmering beneath the surface like a dormant volcano.

Alone on the balcony, Angélique breathed in the salty sea air, her frustration mingling with the gentle breeze. "I can't believe him," she muttered, her hands trembling with suppressed emotion. "Who does he think he is, ruining my dress like that?" Lando placed a comforting hand on her shoulder, his voice gentle yet firm. "Angie, I know you're angry, but Max didn't mean to cause any harm. Sometimes accidents happen, even in the midst of celebration."

But Angélique, her pride wounded and her temper flaring, shook her head defiantly. "I don't care," she declared, her eyes flashing with determination. "I won't let him get away with this. He needs to know that actions have consequences." As she reentered the grand salon, her steps infused with a sense of defiance, Lando remained by her side, a steady presence amidst the swirling chaos of emotions. The opulent setting seemed to mock her, the gilded decor a stark contrast to the turmoil brewing within her.

"We should find you something else to wear," The party's boy suggested, his voice tinged with concern as he guided her towards his room. "I have plenty of spare clothes that might fit you." She nodded, smiling sweetly, grateful for her best friend's understanding. As they entered his room, she couldn't help but marvel at the luxurious surroundings, the plush furnishings a testament to his refined taste. Lando rummaged through his wardrobe, eventually emerging with an oversized orange shirt. "It's not exactly haute couture," he admitted with a sheepish grin, "but it should do the trick."

The brunette accepted the garment with a grateful smile, her fingers tracing the soft fabric. "Thank you, Lando," she said sincerely, feeling a sense of relief wash over her as she slipped the shirt over her head. With Lando's help, she cinched the shirt at the waist with one of his belts, transforming it into a makeshift dress. Though it was far from her usual attire, she couldn't deny the comfort it offered, the oversized fabric billowing around her like a protective cocoon.

As they navigated through the crowd, Angélique's gaze fell upon Tom Holland, his presence a welcome sight amidst the opulent chaos of the party. With a genuine smile, she made her way over to him, her heart lighter at the prospect of engaging in conversation with the Hollywood heartthrob.

"Tom," Angélique greeted warmly, her eyes sparkling with genuine affection as she approached him amidst the throng of guests. "Angélique!" Tom exclaimed, returning her smile with equal warmth. "It's so good to see you. How have you been?"

Angélique's smile widened as she engaged in conversation with Tom, finding comfort in his easy going demeanor. "I've been well, thank you," she replied, her voice filled with genuine enthusiasm. "Actually, I wanted to tell you about my latest project – my new song, 'Deception.'"

Tom's eyes lit up with interest, genuine curiosity shining through. "Really? That sounds fascinating. Tell me more about it." As they delved into a discussion about her latest musical endeavor, Angélique couldn't help but feel a sense of pride wash over her. She recounted the inspiration behind the song, the emotions she had poured into the lyrics, and the process that had brought it to life.

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