Chapter 7 : Whispers of Doubt (疑惑の囁き)

Start from the beginning

"Introduce yourself, Prince," the Emperor commanded.

"Understood, Otousa."

'Otousa? The Emperor's son?'

She had assumed Helios to be the Emperor's younger brother, given that the Emperor appeared quite young to have a late-teen son.

"I am Helios Kanemoto Ryuujin, the Crown Prince of the Golden Royalty. You are?" Helios introduced himself with a regal air.

She rose to her feet, ready to introduce herself, but the Emperor's voice resounded through the room, interrupting her.

"She's the Princess of the Golden Royalty, your sister," the Emperor announced.

For a brief moment, both she and Helios exchanged calm gazes, but as the Emperor's words sank in, they both comprehended their shared realization, and uncharacteristically, they both lost their composure.

""....Pardon!?"" they exclaimed simultaneously, shock evident in their voices.

Both of them shifted their aghast expressions to fix their eyes upon the Emperor, their incredulous gazes meeting his composed, matter-of-fact demeanor as he sat there unperturbed.

She doubted her ears.

Something had to be gone terribly wrong with the Emperor if he was speaking of such nonsense with such nonchalance.

"Since when?" Helios inquired sardonically, his composure restored after a few seconds following the perplexing proclamation.

"From this very day, just moments ago," Theodore responded confidently.

"Heh... I had my suspicions about what choices you might make, but this..." Helios turned back to her, wearing a petulant expression. "Greetings to my newfound little sister."

"Your Majesty, I sincerely hope you're joking," she implored, choosing to completely disregard the Prince's presence.

"I'm afraid not. I am as earnest as can be, Princess," the Emperor affirmed, a smile gracing his lips.

Her brows twitched, and she regarded the Emperor with an incredulous expression.

The Hell?

What the hell was the Emperor even thinking?

"And what, may I inquire, is the sweet name of our newfound Princess?" Helios inquired, his lovely bright smile unwavering.

"..I...I am Charlotte."

"Charlotte?" The Emperor inquired in a subdued tone.


"Free man..."

"Yes, that's the meaning," she confirmed, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"....I see," The Emperor nodded once, then rose from his seat. "And, Helios, summon your Second in Command."

"A minute, Otousan."

Charlotte fixed her gaze on Helios as he exited the room, now fully accepting and no longer doubting the Emperor's crude statement.

"So, Your Majesty is welcoming a stranger into your prestigious Royal family?" She inquired, disbelief evident in her voice as she redirected her attention to the Emperor.

"Well, indeed. Although I am keeping the adoption a closely guarded secret for some time, known only to a select few," the Emperor replied cryptically.

"What might you mean by that?"

"You'll understand soon," the Emperor assured.

Before she could pose another question, he inquired of her.

"Charlotte, how old are you?"

"..Fourteen...from today onwards."

"I see," The Emperor nodded and a rare warm smile appeared on his face.

"Happy birthday. Welcome to the Golden Royalty, Charlotte Kanemoto Ryuujin"

"....Thank you."

Her first birthday wish in years.


"We have arrived, Your Highness," the girl in the front seat driving the opulent car announced, glancing slightly back towards Charlotte.

She donned a knightly ensemble of muted cream color, embellished with intricate golden motifs. A short half-cape cascaded elegantly over her left shoulder, adorned with the regal emblem of a golden eagle in mid-flight. Completing her attire, her trousers mirrored the creamy tones of her ensemble, imbuing her look with refinement, while her sturdy yet unpretentious golden leather boots gleamed with a subtle sheen.

Her dull beige locks were neatly gathered into a pristine ponytail, with wisps of stray strands framing her face with an air of gentle grace.

Her stoic ember eyes betrayed nothing of her thoughts or emotions. Yet, there was a quiet beauty about her, one that exuded trustworthiness and strength in silence.

Ingrid Pelhamnlet

Despite her youthful appearance, she bore an aura of maturity. Charlotte recognized her as the Second in Command of the Crown Prince's esteemed personal elite squadron, The Regal Raptors.

Ingrid appeared to be one of the select few the Emperor talked about and  was meticulously briefed on all the details concerning Charlotte.

As the vehicle passed through the imposing gate, it ventured across the vast outer grounds before coming to a graceful stop at the foot of a majestic staircase, its grandeur stretching out in all directions.

With the car door gracefully opened from outside, Kuro, who had been patiently awaiting her arrival, extended his hand in a gesture of chivalrous courtesy.

"Good evening, Your Highness," he greeted with a respectful bow.

Internally, Charlotte winced at the title she couldn't bring herself to embrace, but with a composed demeanor, she accepted Kuro's offered hand and gracefully stepped out of the vehicle.

She beheld the sprawling and awe-inspiring palace, illuminated against the backdrop of the night that had already descended. Her new residence henceforth.

"Please, allow me to guide you," Ingrid offered, taking a step forward to lead the way with confidence.

Ingrid slowly opened the double doors, her light hair glistening as the bright interior light spilled out, and then she stepped to the side, her eyes casting a glance backward.

"Your highness, please enter."

Ingrid gingerly pushed open the towering double doors, her light hair catching the glow of the luminous interior as it spilled out into the night. Stepping aside with a graceful motion, she cast a fleeting glance over her shoulder.

"Your Highness, please enter," she said, her voice carrying a subtle reverence.

Charlotte remembered the Emperor's words, "The maids and servants have been duly informed of the arrival of the new master of the Empyrean Palace. The Princess shall reside there for the foreseeable future."

As she stepped into the Palace, Charlotte couldn't help but be mesmerized by the vast and splendid garden that lay within its confines. Her gaze swept over the meticulously arranged flora and the tranquil beauty that surrounded her.

Before her, a gathering of maids and servants stood assembled, their eyes filled with anticipation as they awaited her arrival.

"We greet Her Imperial Highness, the Golden Princess."

A unified chorus of greeting filled the air, and each individual present bowed deeply to her, their gestures imbued with profound respect and reverence for their new mistress.

As Charlotte took in her surroundings, she couldn't shake the sense of wonder that enveloped her.

How had her life transformed from a mundane existence to a grand royal fantasy in the span of less than half a day?

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