Chapter 2

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"That's it. I'm coming in." Lucifer then suddenly went straight through the door like a ghost, looking for Alastor and laying his eyes on him. Alastor's eyes were wide open in surprise, and so was Lucifer's. "What the- What happened to your- WHY ARE YOU NOT WEARING A SHIRT?" Lucifer had so many questions for Alastor right now. Alastor had many questions too. "DO YOU NOT KNOW THAT IF THERE'S NO ANSWER, THAT MEANS TO DON'T GO IN?" He said in response to Lucifer, yelling at him with his radio voice filter on. His eyes were glowing red, clearly irritated that the other came into his room without hearing an okay from him. What he didn't know, however, was that Lucifer was staring right at the bandage going right across his almost bare chest. Lucifer looked back up at his chest, which was full of fur like Angel Dust's. His entire body was actually very furry but especially his chest. He then looked back at Alastor's face to talk to him, speaking up. "Not my fault that Charlie is worried about you, that's your fault, and I had to come in like this! Your door might've been locked."

"That's the entire point of a lock, little duck. To keep people like you, OUT OF MY ROOM." Alastor said in response, trying to make it clear that he didn't want to talk to Lucifer. The short King's eyes widened a bit as he looked offended by the nickname. "Little duck?- I'm not that short! Wait a damn minute.. DID YOU GO SNOOPING IN MY ROOM?" Alastor smirked at this, hoping the King would leave his room cause of this out of rage. "I was curious about what the King of Hell's room would look like, so I went to check it out. But all I could see was piles of rubber ducks everywhere I looked. Someone has an obsession with them obviously. I couldn't stand being in there for too long, so there was no snooping unfortunately."

Lucifer made a pouting face as he was annoyed that the other went into his room when he wasn't even in there to prevent any snooping around. He could have stolen something from him, yet there was nothing missing as far as he knew from the last time he was in his room. "Oh, you tacky piece of- YOU have a lot of guts for someone who's in quite a predicament! You were late to coming back here to help with the rebuilding as well! You keep making Charlie worried!"

Alastor laughed as he kept trying to change the subject. "Ha! You're the one to talk. You were late to saving Charlie and the others in the fight! She could have died. You could have saved the snake as well if you were there earlier." Lucifer frowned at this, knowing that he was correct. "Damn.. Touché, Bambi. Touché." Alastor raised an eyebrow, not knowing where the nickname came from. VOX, the TV demon, keeps calling him that as well. The short King shook his head, remembering what he was here for. "Stop changing the subject! What happened to your chest? Was it from your short battle with Adam? Because that looks like it could have come from his weapon."

The tall deer averted the blonde's gaze, not answering his question. But instead, he said something else. "That is none of your concern, your 'majesty'- " He looked back at Lucifer as he continued speaking. "-I'm fine anyways, I don't need any help." Lucifer sighed at this. Alastor was being stubborn as always, at least that didn't change. He wished it did though instead of hiding in his radio tower.

"Yes, you do need help. I don't want Charlie to be upset that one of her friends died because they were being too STUBBORN. You do know that only an angel can heal that wound right?" Lucifer said as he leaned against a wall, waiting for the Radio Demon's response. Alastor scoffed at this. "Of course, I know that! It was pretty obvious. But I'm pretty sure that no one in heaven will help a sinner like me. And last time I checked, your daughter's girlfriend hates my guts! Ha! Doesn't trust me one bit. And you wouldn't dare to help me."

Lucifer chuckled a bit at this. "Let me say this one more time since you didn't hear me the first time, Bambi. I don't want my daughter to have a friend die on her because of them being too stubborn to ask for help. So, swallow your damn pride and let me stop you from dying! I'm offering you my help for once!" Lucifer was wondering how he already knew about how to heal his wound, but that would be a question he'd ask later. Right now, he has to help Alastor. Alastor glared at Lucifer for a bit before speaking up in a stern voice. "I. Would. Rather. Die." He said towards the other.

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