49* resolution

Depuis le début

saiki shrugs

teruhashi: that not giving me confidence  "what is he planning"

saiki: i'm psychic i get what i want 

teruhashi: you have friend 

saiki: . . . *nods*

teruhashi: you never want friends

saiki: "or a girlfriend" *nods*

teruhashi: so you never get what you want

 saiki: . . . coffee jelly

teruhashi: fair , but what does coffee jelly cost you

saiki: to go on a date with you 

teruhahsi: hey that not a cost

saiki: yes it is "it's traumatizing "

teruhashi looks away in a huff 

saiki: so are we going to go convince your parents 

teruhashi: right 

they walk back to the house

teruhashi: so instead of going to china I'm going to live at saiki's

kishi: not a-

saiki glares 

kishi: maybe but i would prefer if you could stay with some one more trust worthy 

teruhashi: saikis more reliable then my brother "pulse he's not a freak who would invade my space"

saiki: "wait if she's living with me i could get home made coffee jelly almost at any point"

kanami: is he really that hard to believe your brother is a well establish actor and ku here is still a student

teruhashi: "also pretty much a god"

saiki nods

kishi: how can we trust him

saiki sighs get up : why can't you trust me

kishi: because your a teenage boy who has a short temper and is unpredictable and could to anything to aware kokomi

teruhashi: me and saiki have been going out for 6 months

kishi: wait 6 months really , wait no that till not long enough to say i can trust him

teruhashi: i not going to china

kanami: but sweaty  you're being unreasonable 

teruhashi: me unreasonable , i just got accept in to the collage i want and now you're saying give it up and go to another country and leave my friends  and boyfriend and learn a new language just because you don't want me to be alone, when i give you option for me to stay here you try and get me to leave any way 

kishi: it's final

teruhashi: and that to bad because I'm not going 

kanamai: you can't just say that and expect use to except

saiki looks at them in the eyes: you're annoying

kishi and kannami: excuse me 

saiki: kokomi is staying with the saiki family that is in stead of an argument this is what going to happen and you can't change it   

kishi: do you really want the polices involved 

saiki glare: like that would change any thing

kanamai: "what does that mean"

teruhashi: kusuo what do you mean

saiki: i'll just make them forget what was going on i don't mind giving people brain damage if it for  you

teruhashi: "that is the cute and scariest thing he's ever said to me , what happen are you sick"

saiki: "i maybe little  annoyed at here parent thinking they can threat a psychic  and then making this one way argument were she has no other choice but to follow them , nothing they say can stop here from sating in japan"

kishi: so you're saying you can deal with the police or government 

saiki sighs: i could deal with the hole world if i wasn't to 

teruhashi looks at him with surprise: "just tell them you have powers while your at it "

saiki: ... as long as your here i don't really care who find out 

teruhashi:*blushing* "he's so sweet "

saiki:"i may have lied there but it sound nice and she's happy so it's fine"

teruihashi: "but it's definitely a lie he cares more about who find out about he power more then me "

saiki: "i think she knows me to well"

kanami sighs: i see well fine she can stay with your family

teruhashi and kishi: REALLY 

kanami: but am visiting ever week end "the hole reason i want kokomi in china is to see her more and don't really care who looks after here i just want my daughter to be happy"

kishi: are you sure dear

kanami looks at him angerly: is there a problem dear 


kanami: good 

saiki: "you know i feel like this argument could of easily been resolved if kokomi's father wasn't here"

saiki and teruhashi are packing up here stuff

teruhashi: "i can't believe it I'm going to be living with kusuo this will be great"

saiki hus here from behind

teruhashi jumps slightly : K-kusuo *she looks and he's head resting on here should and he's a sleep* "he's cute"

saiki: and your inconvenient

teruhashi: "and he was a wake , dame you" 

hello it's is @kibou0 i hoped you enjoyed the story this part was written on the 24/03/2024 and way i hoped you enjoyed it there is going to be epilogue chapter i did have some more ideas that i scraped because my motivation was fading and i think that quite  clear in some of the parts of story but  i hope you enjoyed none the less and thank for all the support , in future there might be extra parts of the scraped ideas but not 100% for sure any way you all have a good rest of you're day and good bye .

inconvenienced relationship  (saiki x teruhashi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant