20* winter festival

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saiki parks his bike and every one get off

aren: final we can stop , my leg feel like jelly

kidou try's to stand only to almost fall 

saiki : "that what happens when you have a 3 hour drive"

teruhashi : this I'll be so much fun

kidou: we still have to walk there

aren: it only half hour that's nothing 

they begin to walk to the festival site 

aren: we should of worn kimonos 

saiki: no 

kidou: why wouldn't it be cold

aren: its festival right

teruhashi: "saiki in a kimono"

teruhashi: "saiki in a kimono"

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saiki: stop 

teruhashi: "no"

saiki rolls his eyes: let just go 

aren: right

kidou: ok

they all walk and they reach the festival location

kidou: woo this place is so cool

aren: alright let go

kidou and aren run of to play some game 

teruhashi looks around followed by saiki

teruhashi: "isn't this nice"

saiki: we've been here less then 5 minutes

teruhashi: "so it can still be nice"

saiki shrugs and they continue walk till teruhashi sour a stuff animal prize that wants but she ignores it

teruhashi: "we can come back for it later, "

saiki goes over to the stall and pay to play the game

vender: all right all you have to do is knock over the one you want and then it your you only get 3 shots "idiot there prises are stuck to the self there no way you can get it "

saiki shot the prize teruhashi wants and hit it in which it then fall over thank to some psychic power

vender: you won!? "how he must of cheated but he didn't move what going on" 2 more shots

saiki then shoot 2 more prize and this time they weren't stuck down

vender with tears in his eyes: bye now enjoy the festive " dame brats"

saiki: here 

he give here the prizes

teruhashi: thanks "now I'm going to have to carry them"

inconvenienced relationship  (saiki x teruhashi)Where stories live. Discover now