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kishi: the decision already been made your going to china

teruhashi: you can't I've already got accept in to collage in Japan

kishi: you'll just have to go to a different one in china

teruhashi: you how long that would take

kishi: i doesn't mater there no why for you to stay here 

teruhashi looks down and kishi walks away

kanami: sweetie it's for the best *walkaway*

teruhashi begins to cry : "if i leave then i won't be able to see saiki or spend time with chiyo "

knock knock

kishi open the front door

kishi: K-kusuo

saiki looks at him

kishi: *coughs* what is it you need

saiki walk past him and goes over to teruhashi who crying 

kishi: "why I'm i scared of this kid he just a teenager he can't do any thing to me " 

saiki : you ok

teruhashi: huh kusuo *she looks up*

saiki: were leaving

teruhashi: huh 

he grabs here hand and walk out the house with here

kanami: were are they going , honey

kishi sweating 

kanami: are you ok

kishi: i-i m *coughs* y-yeah perfectly fine 

saiki and teruahashi walk around 

teruhashi: kusuo why are you here

saiki: you're moving to china

teruhashi: we'll ...*nods* my brother has a 6  month trip so i can't stay here so my parent want me to stay with them in china , but i won't see you

saiki: i can just teleport 

teruhashi: B-but what if you find another girl "i refuse to let that happen "

saiki: good grief fine why don't you ask if you could staying with my family

teruhashi: i ask already and they said they can't trust your parent to accommodate for me

saiki: but they can trust your perverted brother who obsessed over you   

teruhashi: . . . i should of brought that up 

saiki: so let go tell them that you're staying with me 

teruhashi: b-but can i really

saiki: why can't you 

teruhashi: well you know a guy and a girl staying under the same roof

saiki: . . . haven't you been doing that already

teruhashi: were related there's a difference

saiki nods: are you staying with me then 

teruhashi: i would love to , but my parents

saiki : let convince them and if that doesn't work . . . 

teruhashi: then what

saiki: then I'll make them

teruhashi: how 

inconvenienced relationship  (saiki x teruhashi)Where stories live. Discover now