19* festival ride

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saiki wakes up see teruhashi right next to him

saiki: "what "

kusuke walk in to the living room to see them snuggled on the sofa


saiki: you to

kusuke: she ask me to ,it was a deal of sorts

saiki: "when did they do that " so why is she till here

kusuke mocking : oh do you not want you cute girlfriend here

saiki rolls his eyes :did she not go home

kusuke: clearly , you fell a sleep watching a movie   

saik rolss his eyesi: "if it was that easy of an answer then why drag it out"

kusuke: well any way I'll see you later I'm heading to England for a conference

saiki: is it Monday

kusuke: it the 27th yes

saiki: ...

kusuke: why 

saiki: so did she stay for 2 days 

kusuke: no she came over and you two start a movie marathon and then you fell a sleep , made it really inconvenient for the rest use

saiki: don't you have a conference to get to 

kusuke: fine fine 

he leaves them alone and heads out the house

saiki looks down that the sleeping teruhashi

saiki: come on 

he taps here lightly

saiki: come on wake up

teruhashi lift here head

teruhashi: m*yawning* morning

saiki: "this is familiar"

teruhashi: so why I'm i here

saiki: we apparently start a movie marathon then fell a sleep 

teruhashi: really i don't remember that

saiki: nether do i

teruhashi gets up : would it be ok for me to get a shower

saiki nods 

teruhashi: great 

she leave and goes up stairs

saiki: "guess we should get read to go the festival then "

and saiki head to his room to get changed 


aren is walk to kidou house and knock on the door

mrs kidou: you are you here to put shun on another death trap

aren: na *cough* no i wouldn't were going to a festival and aware friend family is taking use

mrs kidou: alright then 

she walk back in to the house and get shun

and he come out 

shun: rigth

aren: yeah

mrs kidou: now shun baby , i let you have a brake from studying just for today but you need to get in to a good collage

shun: sure thing mom , see you

mrs kidou wave his good bye and aren and shun walk to saiki's

they reach his house and  knock on the door

inconvenienced relationship  (saiki x teruhashi)Where stories live. Discover now