The light is still there - part 2

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They returned to the keep the next day in the morning and as Geralt carried the rabbits into the kitchen, he ran into Letho. The viper was leaning onto the cold stone wall next to the kitchen entrance and he looked at him with dark expression on his face, apparently waiting for him.

Geralt took the rabbits inside where he gave them to Coen who was cooking that day and gathered his composure as he stepped back into the hallway where Letho was waiting. He nodded in his direction, but the greeting wasn't reciprocated. There was silence and he already started debating if he should just walk away, when the other witcher took a few quick steps until he stared right into his face with teeth bared in a dangerous smile.

"I don't know or care how you managed it, but the bard still fucking cares about you. And even though it is hard to believe, I consider myself his friend, which means, that if you don't get your shit together and apologize, I don't care about Vesemir or your brothers, I will find you and kick your anus through your head. Honestly I wanted to do that for quite some time, so don't give me the chance, understand?" he hissed, his eyes glinting dangerously as his face came centimeters close to Geralt's.

"Okay," he managed to breathe out, before the viper straightened his back again, now towering over him.

"Good to know you understood. Have a nice day," he grinned maliciously before turning around and walking away.

Geralt felt his heart beating dangerously quick in his chest as he let out a shaky breath. The viper was dangerous and he didn't doubt that in his current state he wouldn't have a chance against him. But his heart wasn't beating that fast because the viper was dangerous. The other man's threats weren't the reason for his throat tightening.

'The bard still fucking cares about you.'

He mulled the words in his head over and over again, stunned by them. It was so, so hard for him to believe. After all he just managed to realize, that the bard cared about him before the mountain. The idea that he still would even after it? He felt his eyes dampen again and he blinked furiously as a surprised cry made its way from his mouth.

Of course. Of all people, only Jaskier would be able to do something like this. After all, the bard was always awfully kind, caring and full of, in Geralt's opinion, baseless trust in the good of this world. It didn't matter that Geralt didn't deserve it. The bard still fucking believed that there was something to care about. And he had no intention to let him down this time, even if it cost him everything. Jaskier was worth it.

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