"Idina...." Dad spoke slowly, enunciating every letter of my name as if he was trying to keep himself from losing his temper.

"Yes, father?" I asked suddenly aware that my dad's head was steaming.

"Care to explain why you were drinking at this party?" He asked through grit teeth.

I blinked.

What did he mean?

"Um... because you said I could?" I replied dumbfounded. "I mean, at first it was an accident. I thought I was drinking water but it ended up being soju. But after that I was just drinking it because it made me feel all tingly."

Dad's eyes narrowed to slits. His hands were clutching to the teacup so tightly I was worried it was going to shatter into pieces then and there.

"I alluded to you being able to go to the party. I didn't say you were allowed TO DRINK!" He snapped, slamming his fist into the counter. Uncle Mic jolted up trying to calm my father down.

"Wait I'm confused you let me go to the party? You were the one who told me there would be alcohol there?"

"But I never thought you'd drink it!" He yelped.

I blinked.

I looked back at uncle mic with confusion etched across my face.

Help me. I was pleading silently.

"Wait let me get this straight." Uncle Mic cut in. "So, you told her there'd be alcohol at the party, and said she could go. But you never said that she could drink the alcohol?" Uncle Mic reiterated. Dad nodded.

"But did you tell her she also couldn't drink the alcohol...?"

Dad blinked.

He looked back at his friend and then back at me.

"Don't you try to take her side on this Hizashi!" Dad barked. But I could see the twitch at uncle mic's lips. He was trying his best not to smile or laugh out of fear of aggravating dad further.

"Shota.... My friend. I don't think you're the one in the right here..."

"Hizashi Yamada! What did I say about taking her side?!"

I watched stunned as the two most amazing grown men I'd ever known bickered between one another going back and forth. During their disgruntled disagreement I reached for a handful of chocolates while dad was distracted and sat there patiently, enjoying the sweet taste on my tongue.

When the men finally came to an agreement they turned to face me.

"Idina." Dad began.

"Mhmm?" I hummed.

"Next time don't drink the damn alcohol until you're of legal age."

"Yes sir!" I replied through a mouthful of chocolate.

"How did you get home anyway. Did someone get you back to your friends safe?" He asked. I could tell by the way his jaw was clenching he was trying his best not to over react again.

I smiled.

"Yeah, Bakugo basically made us go back to Uraraka's early and escorted us home." I replied.

"Bakugo huh? Well, looks like the kid's getting straight As in English for the next short while." Uncle Mic commented dryly.

I smiled. It was pretty great what he did last night huh? And today....

"Hey what's with the giant elephant?" Uncle Mic pondered eyeing the large plush at the door.

I grinned wider.

STAINED जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें