The breeze still stung and nipped with December chill, but it was more washed out than it was during the nights. The sun overpowering the cold. Still, they were dressed nicely for the weather. Long sleeves for the cold, nice hats for the sun.

Her father looked up at her as though she just said the most heinous thing he'd ever heard come out of a woman.

"That's ridiculous! you're a Schuyler not a peasant. We do not throw "feasts" as weddings, we throw grand celebrations, balls, galas. Not...feast!" he spat, his tone almost disgusted, though the exaggerated hand placement on his chest suggested that he was, for the most part, joking, or at least wasn't all serious.

Truly, a feast as a wedding wasn't the 'Schuyler style'. Catherine and Philip, when they married all those years ago, threw a huge celebration that would have brought any royal wedding to shame. With both Catherine and Philip coming from prominent families, it was no surprise that all people of high social status that lived in the United Nations at that time were invited.

But for Alex and Eliza, it was different.

"But we both decided we don't want anything huge. I don't want all of New York invited. Just some family friends, and close friends. We already have a huge family and with the army also being invited it just seems...too much."

"I agree, dear." Alexander finally said, being spaced out for most of the conversation. But he couldn't help it, while her father was busy talking away about wedding plans, he was thinking about his own. Though they both decided to elope, it still wasn't an easy process. For starters, the rings. Yes, he already got 2 rings, but he was still adamant about getting them designed. He knew a man, a young yellow, who did such things as a living, so he had to get that done, on top of that the stress of overthinking soon came.

if they elope, all this planning would be for nothing. Her fathers hard work would be for nothing, and the money her father was spending would be for nothing. Though, he was sure that the amount of money Mr Schuyler was spending, though plenty, wouldn't even cause a dent in his piggy bank. Still, it was a selfish feeling.

On top of that, if they eloped, how would they tell her father?

Would they tell him? Or would they just tell him the wedding was canceled? Though, as far as it seemed, they weren't going to have a wedding at all.

It's why they were out here, discussing other alternatives.

"A simple dinner party would be fine as well" Alexander shrugged, turning his head back to look out at the yard, slowly drifting back to his daydreaming, thoughtful state.

"Hm, maybe. But no, my daughter isn't having dinner as a wedding!"

Eliza sighed exasperatedly, slouching down in the chair she sat on. Her attempts of suggesting easier routes for a wedding were getting nowhere.

Her goal was to make her father be able to throw a smaller, less stressful celebration to make the process of marriage easier and faster, that way they wouldn't have to go down the path of eloping, but it seemed like that was in vain.

"I think we should halt the wedding." Her statement instantly made all three heads turn, their eyebrows raised. All except for one, Alexanders. Though surprised, he knew what she was doing, and thought she was a genius for it.

"A halt, until I come back?" he added, receiving a nod back.

"I agree! I think it would be best, then we would have more time."

Catherine and Philip glanced at each other, now a frown on their faces.

"Are you...certain?" Philip asked, his question mostly directed to Alexander, who nodded.

"I feel as though it's for the better. Time is limited at the moment, and once I leave, I won't see your daughter for an awfully long time. And if I don't return, that is if I fight, I would leave her as a young widow. I shan't make that happen."

Nodding with understandment, Mr Schuyler reluctantly answered.

"Very well. I'll push back the reservations, get the dress made for the occasion, and when the time comes, it'll come."


"I'm surprised your father was so easy to convince."

"I'm sure he was just relieved to hear that we were willing to push it back. Now he can finally go back to stressing over work instead of a union."

"I suppose you're right dear."

Alexander kissed her forehead, tucking loose strains behind her ear.

"I'll be off to bed now, now don't you stay up too late."

"I don't think I can. These past few days, the idea of sleep just hasn't been tempting."

"I understand, dear. I've always heard that the idea of marriage tends to give you the jitters."

He leaned against the kitchen counter, holding up a glass of water. It was past 12, the 11th turning into the 12th in the blink of an eye. Time didn't slow down for no one, especially for the young spouses to be.

"It was pretty smart what you did out there, you know."

"I was starting to feel guilty, making my fathers plans go to waste."

Deep down, she still felt guilty, it still felt as though her fathers plans were going to waste. But in the end, it was her decision. She just hoped that her father wouldn't hate her for it.

"Oh, by the way, John and I will be out and busy in the evening."

"Ok, where are you going?"

"I can't tell, but I do plan to speak to a pastor. Do you know the name of the pastor that preached at the church we attended last Sunday?"

The question was vague, but Eliza had a clear idea on why he would want to see a pastor.

"Pastor Donalson"

Alexander nodded, sipping his water.

"Do you trust him to bless our marriage and keep his mouth shut?"

"He did it with Angelica and Mr church's elopement, so I don't see why not. My parents didn't find out until she told them herself"

"Hm, perfect then."

He swagged down the little bit of water he had left then kissed Elizabeth goodnight.

"Goodnight, Betsey. I love you"

She smiled at the nickname.

"Goodnight, Hamilton"

They both smiled at each other, not knowing someone was hearing the whole exchnage from beyond the walls.

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