Chapter 2- Can i sit here?

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"Lupin, Eleanore" McGonagall yelled out, that's me. I looked behind me once more to make eye contact with my older brother who was seated at the Gryffindor table. It was his second year, he gave me a smile and thumbs up. I took a few deep breaths as I approached the seat. The hat was slightly cold, but that might've just been the air being pushed down onto my head. It thought for a moment, making a few "hmm" sounds every now and then.


The sorting hat howled out. I winced at the fact that I wouldn't be in the same house as my brother, it would've made things a lot easier. I fiddled with my fingers as I scurried over to the slytherin table.

I slowly walked around the table, searching for an open spot, I notice out half way down there was a boy with a decent amount of space on both sides of him. I slowly approached him, I stood behind him for a second before tapping him on the shoulder. He jumped when I touched him, clearly startled. "Oh hi, sorry to scare you. But um, can I sit here?" I gave an apologetic smile.

The boy looked around for a second, noticing there wasn't much else space. "Yea, you can" the boy shrugged and slid over a bit, making room for me.

"Thanks" I held my hand out for him to shake, I think it took a second for him to register that I was asking for a handshake before he stiffly lifted his hand and shook mine once. "I'm Ella"

"Severus" he gave me a short smile before looking ahead of us again.

"Not much of a talker, eh?" I giggled a little.
"How come?" Severus sighed.

"I don't know, not much to talk about?" He seemed kind of annoyed as well as surprised I wanted to talk to him.

"Well, what year are you?" He looked about my age but he was already sorted.

"Second" he didn't look at me while we talked, he was clearly looking at something, what? I didn't know.

"Oh, like my brother" that got his attention.

"Well, who's your brother?" He seemed slightly more interested than before, but still distracted.

"Remus Lupin, he's over there" I lifted my hand to point at the Gryffindor table but the second my hand was positioned, Severus smacked it out of the air.

"Don't point! I know him." He took a deep breath and looked down in his lap.

"Ok...and why? He's my brother" I emphasized the my as I spoke.

"Because, he doesn't like me very much" he whispered through his teeth. I turned my torso to face him completely.

"Once again" I giggled a little "Why?" I was genuinely confused, Remus hadn't told me of anybody mean.

"I don't know!" He put his hands up in defense. He sighed and put his hands back down."I don't know why, he just doesn't."

"Do you want me to ask?" I getting more confused by the second, my brother wasn't the confrontational type ever, if Severus hadn't done anything then what was the problem?

"No. Don't bother" Severus mumbled.

"Do you want me to leave you alone?" I tilted my head at him, puzzled.

"You don't have to." He shrugged.

"And that is the end of my speech, thank you all. Let's eat!" Dumbledore yelled out. I sighed and looked ahead of me, slightly giving up on my conversation. As the food came down, I heard him reluctantly say

"The food here's really good, I like the lamb." He gave me a defeated smile.

"Oo! That actually sounds great right now" and I returned a beaming smile right back at him.
"So what's your favorite class?" I questioned.

"My favorite is defense against the dark arts but the easiest is potions, slughorn-" Severus pointed to a plump man who looked to be middle-aged at the teachers table. "Is just a big oaf" he snickered to himself.

"That's mean, Severus" I scrunched my eyebrows at him in disapproval.

"Ah come on, he can't hear me" Severus looked at me, smirking "you're being dramatic" he assured me, bobbing his head up and down. I playfully slapped his shoulder,not noticing how he winced at my gesture.

"So where are the dorms?" I randomly remembered that we slept here, therefore we needed dorms.

"Ours are in the dungeons, it's not as scary as it sounds" he reassured me.

"Oh yea. Sounds so cute, the dungeons." I rolled my eyes at him, I'm 11, how am I supposed to sleep in dungeons?

As dinner when on, me and Severus talked about the many things taught and done at Hogwarts. Of course I knew most of it already, but it was nice to make a friend so quick.

Once dinner was concluded. Everyone was sent to their dorms and I went to my brother quickly.

"Hey Remus!" I yelled out from behind him.

"Oh! Elle!" He yelled, dodging our peers to make his way too me. "So, slytherin eh?" He straightened his robe once he steadied himself.

"Yea, I wish I got Gryffindor like you" I said, honestly jealous. Although my brother was only a year older, I looked up to him like he was ten feet tall.

"Slytherin's alright too, it's gotta be if your sorted into it" he smiled.

"Yea, I've already got a friend" I tested the waters, still curious why Remus didn't like Severus. If he was a bad kid, I didn't want to hang around with him.

"Right? Who?" He quirked an eyebrow at me and tilted his head.

"His name is Severus" I I studied my brothers face as I said the name, and worry flashed over his features.

"Well, uh. Be careful" he replied, clearly considering telling me not to talk to him.

"He said you don't like him. Why?" Now that I knew Remus didn't absolutely despise him, I wondered what made Severus say he didn't like him.

"Well, it's not me. Personally I don't care much about him. But James does, he hates him" Remus played with his fingers as we spoke.

"Once again. Why?" Ok, I know more of Severus than this "James" so now i was going completely off my brother.

"I don't know, really. Want me to ask him?" He turned to me and gestured his head to the side, signaling he needed to leave.

"Yes please. Tell me tomorrow" I gave Remus a quick hug before running behind the parade of my fellow slytherin son our way to the dungeons.
I seen Severus through the crowd and budged through to get to him.

"Hey" I slightly yelled, it was loud so I wanted to k ow he heard me.

"Hi" he nodded at me, carrying a stack of books and a worn out brown suitcase.

"Just wanted to say goodnight and I'll see you around" I gave him a warm smile to which he returned without a word. Then we arrived at the dungeons.

A few gasps and "hmms" were heard throughout our crowd. We seen that one side was for boys and one side was for girls.

"Ok everybody!" The head of slytherin yelled out.
"This side is for you girls, the first door is for first years. Second for second years, sir on and so forth, and vis versa for you boys, goodnight!" He was clearly in a rush so nobody bothered to ask any questions.

I walked into the room to see tall and wide stacks of bunk beds in an odd shape arrangement. I ended up with a bunk three beds up on the left of the room. There was light banter among us, but nothing I tuned into much.

Once I had unpacked my things, I quickly got ready for bed. I was exhausted and needed to get to sleep as soon as possible.

I wonder why James doesn't like him, he seems sweet.

An old friend. (Severus Snape x fem OC)Where stories live. Discover now