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It's Sunday weekend and I just finished doing the laundry, now that I live far away from my family I've grown to become responsible for myself, I can't be immature all the time.

My phone hasn't worked for almost a month now and I've been in great difficulty not having a means of communication for immediate updates on school, although I am thankful to have a laptop to use for everyday school work, still have a phone is a different side of the story.

Life is hard when you don't have money, I've been searching for a side hustle online to earn some extra cash although my beloved parents regularly send me some allowance I can still feel that it isn't enough, but I never ask for more because I understand our family situation, were just poor.

Maybe that's why my dream in the future is to earn a lot of money for my parents so that they won't suffer anymore, I love them and I want them to be happy, I am thankful that they are my parents because they are loving even though they won't show it, they may not be perfect as a person but they are perfect as my parents, that's why I am always thankful to God for giving me to a wonderful family.

Right now as I am inside my room on a seat in front of the laptop as I write this, I have been thinking that maybe I should write a journal for future me to read, and when the time comes wouldn't that be awesome if this journal is still in existence even if I'm dead?

Well... anyway I think the pandemic era is slowly ending because people are now living a normal life I don't know about the other countries but I think here in our place Covid-19 is no longer present but I do hope other countries will also have their victory against Covid.

College is no joke! I have an assignment that needs to be done, so maybe I should end this for now I will write again tomorrow.

Sunday, 1:24 pm, March 3, 2024, Sunny but also windy...

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