Not an Chapter

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I have a description on her ability and I want to here yall opinion on it before I post the first chapter.


**Ability Name: Genji's Embrace**


Can an manipulate the emotions and relationships of those around them, much like the intricate and nuanced relationships depicted in "The Tale of Genji." The ability allows them to influence the feelings and connections between people.


1. *Emotional Manipulation:* They can subtly influence the emotions of individuals, intensifying or calming their feelings.

2. *Connection Weaving:* The ability enables them to strengthen or weaken the bonds between people. This could impact friendships, alliances, or even romantic relationships.

3. *Illusory Threads:* Maybe? they can create temporary illusions that reflect the emotional states or relationships they are manipulating.


1. *Limited Range:* The ability's influence is most potent when in close proximity to the targeted individuals.

2. *Temporary Effects:* The emotional and relational changes are temporary, lasting only for a limited duration.

3. *Concentration:* Maintaining control over multiple emotional manipulations requires focus and concentration.


"The Tale of Genji" is known for its exploration of complex emotions, love, and societal relationships. I'm having the ability draw inspiration from the intricate weaving of emotions portrayed in the book.

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