Happy ending

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Author's note: Hey guys, it's me! So this is officially me last chapter... Hope you like it! Oh, and thank you all for your support! You are all the best! But, don't worry... I'll still keep writing ;)

Normal p.o.v (4 weeks later)

Amity was still in a coma, and everyone was extremely worried. The docter said,

"If the girl doesn't wake up... we'll have to-"

Jack finally lost hope... Before Amity was taken away, the boy took out his violin. He then started to play a sad song... little did he know, Amity was listening the whole time!

After he was done, Amity woke up! "Jack... that was beautiful!" The girl complemented, the demon's eyes widened. "AMITY! YOU'RE AWAKE!!!" He yelled, while giving her a hug. The young girl cried in his shoulder, jack didn't care he was just happy amity was awake.

"I missed you jack!" Amity cried, "Same..." The boy replied, Iris, Sebastian, Lucas, and Athena where at the door stalking them... "Awww!" They all yelled, yet they were happy as well.

Thank you guys!!!

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