Demon's son part 3

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Normal p.o.v

"E-excuse me what? Who are you anyways?!?" The young girl yelled, "You still haven't figured it out huh?" He asked, while smirking. "Figure what out? No! This is all a lie, you're crazy!!!" She said, while covering her ears and closing her eyes. "Fine you don't believe me? Watch..." The boy suddenly opened his mouth, and fangs appeared! His eyes turned a lighter shade and he started to growl... Amity froze, "I'm not like you! Just leave me alone you demon!" She screamed.

"Mmm... I would but, I can't... By the way I'm Jack, nice to meet you." He said, while bowing. "Oh and I am a demon, more like a Demon's son..." He continued.

"How? How are you here then?" She asked, still closing her eyes.
"I can't explain everything here, let's go somewhere more private." He said, still smirking.

"NO! How do I know that you're not going to murder me?" Amity asked, still very insecure. "Please, I'm the least of your worries... Just trust me!" The demon said, while trying to convince her. "Fine but I'm bringing my gun!" She yelled, even though they both knew it was a fake gun... but Jack didn't know that Amity also had candy. Since demons hate sweats... "Okay let's go!" He said, while offering his hand.

Amity refused to take it, she then went to the her front porch. "Kay, I see how it is... I might be a demon but I still have feelings!" The boy protested. "Who cares! Just tell me how I'm supposedly a vampire."Amity said.

"Fine so... I'm the only demon from my family that is also a vampire. Father, gave me a quest to bite you... I swear, I don't know why... And now, he wants me to bring you to the underworld..." Jack confessed, "NEVER!!! I WILL GO DOWN FIGHTING!!!" Amity yelled, she then got out her candy and threw it at jack.

"Oopf! That smell... it's disgusting!" He yelled, "Now that you're weak, tell me who your dad is!!!" Amity continued, "Do you really want to know?" He asked, Amity nodded. "Hades..." He told her, Amity's eyes widened.

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