Chapter 10

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"Wangji xiong, I can help you to find Xiao Xingchen and Xue Yang? I bet Xue Yang is targeting Xiao Xingchen since he did captured Xue Yang after all. I also know that Xiao Xingchen is Wei xiong shushu, he is his mother shidi."

"Wei Ying trust you and so will I," Lan Wangji open a way for Nie Huaisang to leave, "just come back here with the news, I won't hurt your brother. I respect Chifeng Zun," Nie Huaisang look at his brother, "Da Ge, I will come back." Nie Mingjue nodded his head since he know that his didi will come back.

When Nie Huaisang walk through that portal, it didn't take him to the Jin clan, it take him back to the Nie clan. "Gongzi!" His spy appear in front of him. "We were waiting for you and your brother to come back. What happen?" One of them asked Nie Huaisang.

"Jin Guangshan cause Chaotic at the Jin clan. Wangji Xiong, is punishing everyone who cause Wei xiong death. He is finding justice for Wei xiong. I need everyone help," Nie Huaisang look at his spy.

"We are at your command, what can we help you with?" One of the spy asked Nie Huaisang.

"I need you all to help me find Xiao Xingchen. Xue Yang might got to him first, find them but don't do anything. Once you found them, come back here and tell me."

"Understood gongzi!" With that they disappear from there. "I wonder if Mo Xuanyu use the summoning spell to summon Wei xiong back to the living world. Only Wei Xiong can stop Wangji xiong." 'I regret myself for not being able to save Wei xiong. This is my way of asking Wei xiong for forgiveness it to save his shushu.'

"Zewu Jun, how long do you think we will be here? We don't even know how long we been here. No sun, no moon, no nothing." A sect leader asked Lan Xichen.

Lan Wangji sigh, "you just been here for only five days, I can keep you all here longer as much as I want too. I want to torture you all as long as I want too." 'You all can died one by one.'

Lan Xichen look up at his didi who is still seating on the chair that belong to Jin Guangshan, "Wangji, you haven't done anything to our clan right?"

"What if I did Zewu Jun? What will you do to me? Beat me? Banish me? Lock me up?" Lan Wangji smirk at the expression on Lan Xichen face. "Wangji, you know that Xichen won't do that to you."

'Of course he won't. If he can do that to me then why didn't he save Wei Ying?' "If he can do that to me, then why in the world he didn't do the same for Wei Wuxian? Some Lan, he is. You all know that the Lan clan is known for their justice and finding the seem like the Lan clan is a bunch of joke."

"Lan Wangji!" Shouted Lan Xichen who is very angry at what Lan Wangji just said. "Lan Xichen, you can't tell me what to do anymore. I am no longer the sweet, kind and loving brother you know anymore. You didn't help Wei Wuxian, why?"

On the next day Nie Huaisang is walking back and forth in front of his brother study room. He is waiting for his spy to come back. "How long does it take them to go find Xiao Xingchen anyway?" 'I know that I can trust Wangji xiong not to hurt Da ge.'

A day later, the spy came back from their search. "Gongzi," Nie Huaisang rush out of his room, "did you found him?"

"We did. He is in a city call "Yi City"."

"Is he with anyone else?" Asked Nie Huaisang.

"Yes. He is with a blind girl and...."

"And?" Nie Huaisang waited impatiently. "Xue Yang is with him."

"Xue Yang is with Xiao Xingchen? Doesn't he know that his enemy is right next to him?" Nie Huaisang.

"Gongzi, Xiao Xingchen, he is blind. He doesn't know that Xue Yang is next to him. Also, Xue Yang changed his voice so that Xiao Xingchen doesn't recognize him."

"This isn't good." Nie Huaisang look at his spy, "thank you, you all may go take a rest," with that saying his spy disappear from there.

"I need to go tell Wangji xiong but how will I get back inside," Nie Huaisang doesn't know it, Lan Wangji has been watching him since he sent Nie Huaisang back to his clan.

"Huaisang," Nie Huaisang look in front of him, "Wangji xiong!" He is surprise to see Lan Wangji appearing in front of him.

"I heard what your spy have told you. I will head there to tell Xiao Xingchen or I guess take him away from Xue Yang."

"Won't Song Lan be looking for him?" This got Lan Wangji to think about what Nie Huaisang just said.

"Then I will go in search for Song Lan. Those two never stay apart from each other." 'Just like me and Wei Ying. I never want to be apart from Wei Ying ever again." As Lan Wangji is about to turn around and leave, Nie Huaisang stop him, "Wangji xiong, can I go with you? Since Da ge is still trap in Jinlintai, I don't want to be home by myself."

"Come along," Lan Wangji open a portal for them to walk through, "where do you think we should go first?" Nie Huaisang asked as he catch up to Lan Wangji. "Maybe to a place call Baixue temple. That is where Song Lan grew up."

"Baixue temple? Song Lan did said that he came from Baixue temple." The two soon arrive in front of Song Lan home.

"Wangji Xiong, this place look...."

"Abandoning," Lan Wangji finish Nie Huaisang sentences. "Huaisang stay out here," Lan Wangji take out his sword, he slowly opened the big door to enter into the temple.  Slowly, slowly, slowly, he walk around the place, 'this seem like they were under attack.' "Song Lan, where did you go? What happen here?"
We are almost at chapter 16. Then I will write about Wei Ying!!,

I Will Do Anything For You जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें