Chapter 7: Mama's Gotta Hustle

Start from the beginning

The car's broke engine and tire and door breaks

Scratch: That was also not me.

He sitting on top of Pete's head

Scratch: Why do we live so faraway?

She gasps

Sharon: I should be a meter maid. Then I get paid to tell people they're bad parkers. You know I'd love that.

Nightwolf: Yeah, I mean, personally, We see you as a brain surgeon. Although that's not really a "starting today" thing.

Darryl: I'm telling you, Mom, reconsider nuisance lawsuits. I know a lawyer named Ramón who is not encumbered with so-called "ethics".

He whistles

He spots a Sam's Diner "help wanted" sign in the window

Scratch: Diner. Help wanted sign. Bang. Solved it. Like always, Scratch is the hero. Go cook.

The McGee's turn to Scratch in terror as Sharon approaches him in rage

Nightwolf: Oh, Great Spirit Here We Go Again.

Sharon: I worked in my parents' restaurant growing up,

[Demonic voice]

Sharon: and that was enough kitchen work for a lifetime. NEVER SAY "GO COOK" AGAIN!

He shrieks

He hides behind Molly and Nightwolf

She whispering

Molly: This morning Nightwolf and I caught her glaring at the stove.

The McGee's are in the kitchen

She growls at the stove

Scratch: Whoa. You were not kidding.

He groans

Sharon: Well, it's still cleaning day. Pete, you and the boys go ahead and start in on the basement.

Darryl: Aw...

Scratch: What do you mean "boys"?

They hands Scratch the cleaning supplies

He grunts

They head to the basement unenthusiastically

Pete: ♪ It's the McGee's cleaning song ♪

Darryl: ♪ Hope it doesn't take too long ♪

Sharon: Don't worry. I'll take care of the van situation.

Molly and Nightwolf and Sharon POV

The scene then switches from Sharon being positive to completely desperate

She is in the kitchen with Molly and Nightwolf

Sharon: I have no idea how to take care of the van situation!

Nightwolf: Okay...

Sharon: Where do you even find jobs anymore?

Molly: Well, we could look at--

Sharon: Or the newspaper? Do they even make newspapers anymore?

Nightwolf: Oh, Sharon. Sharon! Sharon! 

Nightwolf: We don't know, okay? But they make apps. They make apps.

He takes Molly's phone and shows Sharon an app called Gig Pig

Sharon: Huh. Gig Pig.

Molly: It's for odd jobs. Someone needs a job done, you do it, you get paid, Mama.

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