chapter one

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Third Person Pov:

"Tikki, I don't know if I can do this!" Marienette cried to her kwami as she scrambled together her suitcase with some last minute packing.

"Marinette, you'll be fine, I promise. Maybe Adrien wasn't allowed to come along after all!"

"Even worse Tikki. I love Alya and everything but I can't stand being a third wheel for another day." The raven haired girl rolled her eyes as she thought about her best friend and her boyfriend.

"So..." the kwami paused with confusion, "why are you nervous then?"

"Because I'll have to spend a whole week with THE Adrien Agreste!" The girl threw her hands in the air, accentuating her point.

"But you guys are friends, right? So everything will be ok!"

"But I don't want to be 'friends' Tikki!" Marinette groaned with frustration as she attempted to close her stuffed suitcase by sitting on the top. "Ugh! Why won't this thing close!"

The little red bug giggled at the girl. "You're only staying for a week, why do you need so many clothes?"

"Because I have to look perfect for my Adrien!" The girl turned towards her wall that was displayed with various modeling photos of her crush.

"And you need all of those clothes for that?"

"Yes! What if he doesn't like me in a dress, or he doesn't think my swim wear is cute, or-"

"Marinette." The kwami attempted to grab the lovesick girl's attention as she continued to ramble. "Marinette!" The girl turned towards the floating red bug.

"What?" She asked as she watched Tikki gesture towards her phone. "Oh no! Alya is here! Already? I thought I had about an hour- Oh my gosh! It's 10 already!"

"Marinette!" The teenage girl's mother called.

"Yes, Maman!"

"Alya is outside waiting for you!"

"I'll be right there!" Marinette called back as she tried, once again, to close her suitcase. "Phew! Got it shut!" The girl pretended to wipe sweat off her forehead. "Ready, Tikki?" She said as she opened up her small purse for the kwami to hide in. Once Tikki was safely inside, Marinette grabbed her bulky suitcase and headed down the stairs.

As the girl made her way down, she heard a slight chatter coming from her living room. Turning the corner to see who her parents were talking to, Marinette spotted Adrien with a bright smile as he listened to whatever nonsense her father was telling him. "Oh, hey Marinette!" The kind boy waved.

"Halo- I mean helli- or." The girl cringed at her stuttering. "Hi." She managed. God, I'm so embarrassing. Marinette thought to herself, but Adrien was only looking a her with a soft grin, hardly phased by her usual awkwardness.

"Adrien came in to help you with your luggage. Isn't that so nice of him?" Sabine, Marientte's mother, cooed, winking playfully at her daughter in the process.

"Yes!" Marinette shouted a bit too loudly. "I mean yes.., thank you, Adrien." She repeated, this time barely above a whisper.

"Anything for you, Marinette." The boy smiled as he grabbed the large suitcase out of the girl's hands. Marinette didn't fail to notice how his fingers brushed against hers. I'm never washing my hands again.

"So you'll be gone for a whole week then?" Marinette's dad groaned.

"Yes, papa, but I'll call everyday. I promise." Marinette told her parents as she hugged the both of them tightly. "I'll be back before you know it."

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⏰ Last updated: 4 days ago ⏰

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