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"Hyunjae... wake up."

The soft shake on his body urged him to open his eyes though laziness was controlling him wholly. But, the soothing voice that sounded like the best melody in his ears made him eager to wake up despite being so early in the morning. He guessed the sun had not even fully risen yet.

He was greeted with a lovely face staring down at him, making him smile and maybe demanding a morning kiss.

"Hey..." He reached for her fluffy cheek, though deep down he was asking if it was a dream because why the scene that had happened a year ago once again replayed.

"I'm sorry for waking you up. I have to go now," Nara said, sadness tinting her eyes as she trailed Hyunjae's movement to sit up on the bed. "I've prepared the breakfast, and lunch and also the dinner. Heat them before you eat."

You shouldn't go. You will die, Hyunjae's brain was saying but it never came out from his lips.

Instead, he found himself asking, "When will you be home?"

"Tomorrow evening," she confirmed.

No, you never came back, he thought.

"Call me once you arrive," he pouted, expressing his anxiety to have separated from her.

She giggled, extending her hand on the nightstand where she grabbed an envelope and a bloomed pink carnation.

"For you," she smiled - the best picture he'd ever seen. So perfect like a sculpture.

"What does this flower mean?" Hyunjae asked, staring deep into her hazel eyes.

"I miss you..." She placed a kiss on his cheek and the reality came back.

It hurt him to remember today. On the final day, he saw her and held her. The letter she wrote that day was still unopened - Hyunjae was too busy that day to read and eventually lost his desire once he received the call from Sangyeon about the accident.

The pink carnation was still here. He secured it so well by asking Haknyeon to dry it up so that he could keep it forever. The last flower he received from Nara, the last memory he had of her.

Hyunjae found himself sitting on the stairs of his double-storey house, staring at the envelope hesitantly. He wondered what Nara wanted to tell him that day but he was scared as well to find out.

Nonetheless, he decided to check it out today. And he was glad he did, because the first line already made him smile.

Hey whiny husband,
Wait, I just had the picture of you whining because I'm not there tonight. But, you know what, Hyunjae, I wonder what I am feeling right now. It feels too suffocated to be away from home, from you. We were just married for 2 weeks, what am I feeling right now? Is it what they call separation anxiety? What about you call me after you read this and confirm it?

Your forever wife,

A loner tear left his eye as he folded the letter back. His breathing gradually became heavy and became heavier that he had to hit his chest.

What had he done? Nara was anticipating his call, Nara was missing him but he did not do anything about it. And the worst part was, she was no longer here, she just left the world with the longing nestled in her chest.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry, love... I'm sorry..." He cried it out, clenching the fabric over his chest so tight that it might tear. But the pain did not subside, it hadn't left.

He wanted to call her name out loud, watching her turn around to respond to his call. But, that wouldn't happen anymore. There was no Lee Nara anymore.

It was then, that boisterous loud was heard from his doorsteps before the bell rang along with quite hard knock yet playful the more he heard it. Hyunjae wiped out those stains on his cheeks, aiming for the front door to check.

"Hey, bro!" A weird way to greet someone yet it was normal when it came from that male he hadn't seen for so long. "What's up my annoying boss?"

Kevin - his teammates while still working at the company, lunged forward and bro-hugged him, pretending like he hadn't seen the wet cheeks.

"Have you eaten? We brought something and let's eat together," Jacob stalled a big brown paper bag in the air, and his angelic smile lightened up the house.

Hyunjae might have beckoned the two to step inside, welcoming them into the house. He might be smiling when Kevin jumped into his leather couch in the living room while Jacob straightaway went into the kitchen. He might have not cared when his friends acted like they were in their own house but that didn't stop him from realizing something.

That they were here so that he wouldn't feel lonely on this dreadful day.

He wanted to join Jacob in the kitchen but he had to pass by Kevin on the couch who was contemplating a movie. Hyunjae ruffled the younger's hair and heard him complaining and then his maniac laughter echoed.

Jacob unpacked the food easily since he knew where the plates were kept. He'd always been here with meals to make sure Hyunjae ate well.

"Why were you guys not in the office?" Hyunjae questioned, sitting down by the kitchen island and watching Jacob pour the soup into a bowl.

"We've planned to be here, so we took leaves," the latter confirmed, tossing the plastic into the trash can. "We are also feeling the loss, Hyunjae. It's okay for us to mourn her too right?"

Hyunjae's eyes darted to the surface of the kitchen island, and a soft sigh again escaped. Tears started brimming again in his eyes but please, he did not want to cry in front of them.

"Time flies so fast," he said, slowly lifting his gaze. "It's been one year."

"Right..." Jacob then sat down as well and blended well with the emotion. "Have you thought about my offer? About coming back?"

Furious blinks then appeared, Hyunjae had almost forgotten about it - honestly. He was so occupied with Dabin at the shop that he was thinking only about her.

"Urm, I can't," he was not hesitant to answer. "I can't leave the shop for now."


"The woman I told you about, I've found her and she's now working in my shop," unknowingly, Hyunjae smiled as he talked about Dabin. Though Jacob's face slightly fell and his brows scrunched, Hyunjae did not notice.

"Hyunjae, are you sure this is not your imagination?" Jacob asked to confirm. He truly, worried that his friend's grief would only bring harm.

"You have to come to my shop. Meet her and see her by yourself," Hyunjae eagerly requested. "Even Haknyeon is agreed with me. She resembles Nara so much."

"But, you don't think she's Nara, right?"

At the concern from Jacob, Hyunjae eventually was at a loss for words. I do, should he say that? Should he say that the reason why he wanted Dabin to work there was because he thought she was Nara?

"I'm not insane, Jacob," instead he said which obviously, was a lie.

It was then, that the bell once again rang, Kevin from the living room shouted 'I got it', Jacob intended to make a drink while Hyunjae glanced over the window where he could see his backyard. They were too occupied with their things to notice the loud silence of Kevin from the front.

Until, the boisterous of his feet rushing to the kitchen was heard, a frantic Kevin heavily breathing at the entrance.

"Kev, what's going on?" Jacob was the first one to ask.

The younger was at a loss for words as he kept flapping his hand, beckoning to the front door. Then, suddenly he yelled, "I don't know how to explain!"

It somehow had given the owner of the house a hint. But, before Hyunjae could leave the kitchen, a glimpse of Haknyeon was seen behind Kevin and beside him was someone he did not expect to see today.

"Hey, Dabin..."

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