i began to sing I wanna Be Yours by Artic monkeys while playing my ukelele. here i go i sighed.

y/n pov

as billie started to sing, the projector started to play as well. i just thought it was just a backdrop thing while she sang. but i thought wrong. playing on the projector was tons and tons of videos taken of me and billie. i put my hand over my mouth and started to cry.  it was beautiful. there was photos from the day we first met, to us sleeping together, to the photos of us kissing just a slideshow of us being us. 

once she finished singing she turned around looking at the projector just like me and there was words displayed on the screen

'will you be my girlfriend'

she then pulled flowers from behind the projector and handed them to me. i jumped up and embraced her in a tight hug. "will you?" she said with a sly smile. "of course i will!" i said and gave her another hug. 

on our way back to the hotel, billie held my hand the whole way and would kiss me at every red light. 

when we walked to our room, opening the door was standing maggie, finneas, claudia, sophia, zoe, patrick and even laura. all over the room was balloons and flower petals. the balloons read 'congratulations' i laughed at the cute gesture and billie also looked very surprised. "you guys did this for us?" billie asked and pulled me into her side. 

"all for you too!" maggie said and looked at the two of us. "so is it official?" finneas said hopefully. i looked over at billie who nodded her head intertwining our fingers. everyone cheered and gave us hugs. just then sophia walked over to me. "what the hell are you doing here bro?" i said squeezing her. "i couldnt miss my sister getting asked out now could i?" she said and ruffled my hair. "youre acting like we got engaged" i joked and she huffed and went back over to zoe. 

for the rest of the night we all partied it up and had a lot of fun before billie got tired, kicking everyone out we laid on our bed cuddling like always. "sooooo, girlfriend" billie said laughing. "i know i cant believe it" i said and looked at the ring on my hand. "you know one day ma, there will be an engagement ring on that finger" she said pointing to my ring finger. i kissed her lips and laid my head on her chest. 

"billie?" i was laying on her shoulder playing with her blonde hair that has grown so long in the past few weeks. "yes baby?" she said. god say that again. 

"are you happy?" i asked. i was overthinking a lot, but i wanted to make sure she was truly okay. she sat up and faced me "what do you mean? of course im happy" she said taking her hands into my own. "i just dont want you to feel forced, you know?" billie and i hung out everyday all day. and when we weren't, that just meant she was performing or doing interviews. "i am genuinly so happy. better then before. you know how that was. im truly happy now. all because of you" she said and kissed my forhead. "now stop overthinking and lets go to sleep" i did as told and got ready for bed. 

happily sighing.

i had a girlfriend.


today was the last day of the WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP WHERE DO WE GO tour. everyone was hyped and ready and so beyond excited. i was dressed in a black cropped tank top, a pink black and grey sweater along with pink pants and my black and pink Air Forces to match billies outfit for tonight. she was going to be wearing a black and white striped long sleeve with a pink and white designed shirt over it. 

"you ready for this?" i asked billie as she got back from soundcheck. "hell yeah im pumped" she said and wiggled around. she sat down beside me and we played uno for a little bit before it got boring. "want to play skip bo?" i asked billie and she started laughing "who the fuck plays skip bo you old lady" she said and laughed out loud. i laughed with her but i seriously wanted to play. 

you saved me. billie eilish x youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora