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The people who were close to you could say you are curious.

'This is a terrible idea', you thought as you headed towards where you had seen the light.

You knew what it meant but that didn't stop you. Your feet moved towards where it came from, causing you to venture into the dense forest.

You had never been in this place before, but the curiosity to know what was happening made you keep going.

You stopped. You had reached the end of the forest but still didn't want to go further.

From your place, you could see a part of one of the walls; a part of you told you that beyond that wall was what brought you here. You took a step back sensing what was happening but another lightning bolt appeared making the earth tremble a little, which caused you not to move anymore.

You looked astonished for a few moments at the cloud of dust that rose for a few moments and then listened to the loud grunts and fight screams that were already becoming very familiar to you.


Of course, he is the protagonist, he is supposed to make a dramatic entrance like Michael Jackson.

You know if you search for Annie Leonhart vs Eren Jaeger on YouTube you will find reviews and clips of the fight. Jesus, you could already hear the soundtrack they had put for that iconic fight.

The question is: would you stay or would you leave like the last time?

Staying or not had its advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of staying was that at least the guilt wouldn't eat you alive and you would have peace of mind; the disadvantage was that you would no longer have peace in your stay in this world and possibly several maniacs would want to experiment with you... both options were compromising for your well-being.

And if you left nothing would change... at least that's what you deduce.

Another roar indicated that Eren was possibly losing and probably needed help.

Although he has his friends to help him... well, you hoped so.

Since if something else changed besides your strange appearance, you didn't want to imagine what would happen in the future... especially to you.

And if Eren is captured, what would happen to you?

Well, the war would be just around the corner, of that you were sure, and most likely they would destroy the forest which meant they would find you and ruin your Oasis, and possibly they would harm Martin the deer and his family, and—

Alright, alright, many bad things would happen if that situation occurred.

Which you doubted would happen because; 'it's Eren, what could happen to him—?'

A sound that sounded like a growl along with the loud sound of someone being thrown made you rethink the decision to leave your future in the hands of that reckless boy.

'I'm going to regret it... I'm going to regret it'

Well, at least you were sure of something


Houses in ruins.

That was your vision as you painfully made your way towards where the second wall was.

You saw a destroyed door in the distance. You stayed for a moment contemplating it, it was completely destroyed. 'So that's where Reiner passed through', that was good— in the sense that you were quite close to the wall Rose.

Although now that you think about it... the fight was on the wall that is located right in the center— which means you would have to pass through Rose to get to Sina.

Well, what if you make a small hole—?, 'no wait, bad decision', you thought as you watched a little titan running in circles like a maniac.

You shuddered before making the shadow of a big rock that was stuck on the roof of a ruined house move so that it fell on the titan.

There, now it won't make you nervous anymore.

Oh right. Now, how will you pass through the wall Rose and head towards Sina without anyone noticing?


You smiled, 'that will work'.


Eren stayed for a moment in the position he had fallen, trying to regain the strength to get up. His body begged him to stay still to recover, but the unease of letting Annie roam free made him get up again.

His legs faltered, which made him curse under his breath. Annie had given him a good blow, leaving him unable to properly move some parts of his body.

Although his legs stumbled weakly, that didn't stop him from looking for Annie, even if his legs became useless and his body couldn't fight anymore, Eren would find a way to continue.

He had so many questions.

Was Annie truly evil?

Did Annie know the titan of particular appearance?

Who was she?, Why did she help him at that moment?

Why did she leave?

Would he see her again?

Moblit had said something strange when they were talking with Hange after the expedition.


Was that really her name?

The name, despite being strange and never having heard it before, seemed particularly human to him. As human as the behavior Moblit had described the titan had, how she saved him, and how the titan hadn't hesitated to help them when Armin asked her.


The titan— she had shown compassion towards them. Towards what was supposed to be her food.

Are titans also humans...?

Eren growled when he noticed Annie in the distance.

He wouldn't let Annie leave, not without getting his answers first. Not without demanding why she had decided to betray them, him, and everyone.

He needed to know, to know really the why.

And he wasn't going to give up without hearing it.

For a moment, Eren thought he had seen something resembling a black figure out of the corner of his eye, just above the wall. Perhaps it was just his imagination or a hallucination from the adrenaline.

Eren couldn't disconcentrate, at least not now that Annie was in front of him.


I'm happy because I'm going to be a grandmother—my parakeets laid their first egg eeEEEKKKK 🥹🥹!
I would like to post a photo but I think it is prohibited to post photos of your life 🐓 pipipipi


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