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You tossed trying to get comfortable in the soft grass. It wasn't even night, but you wanted to relax since you didn't know what else to do. I mean, you don't have a TV, you don't have anyone to talk to besides yourself, and— that's it... apart from the small earth drawings you made with your fingers... although now that you think about it, they're just deformed sticks with circles pretending to be heads.

Maybe you could try to improve your drawing...

You sighed contentedly when you finally found a comfortable position, but your mind wouldn't relax.

That's when you frowned. You let out a deep breath, still eaten away by guilt.

When were you going to stop feeling guilty for leaving them to their fate?

I mean, they did fine on their own in the manga/anime, and if you were honest, you didn't want to get involved in a war.

Were you being selfish? Yes, were you entitled to feel that way? Of course you were.

Did you feel guilty for leaving them to their fate? Yes. And, if you are honest, you didn't want to die... you still wanted to go to some touristy place or something— even though you were no longer in your world, you still had that dream.

Honestly, sometimes you wished everything was like those fanfics where a divine being sends the protagonist to a fictional world and tells them what to do and why they were sent there in the first place. It would be quicker for you that way. At least you wouldn't be so alone in this, oww.

Oh, now you were jealous.

But can anyone really blame you? Those protagonists are so lucky to have a divine being give them the power of the script and give them a reverse harem, and— wait... were you jealous of not having that?


Okay, too many intrusive thoughts for today.

You got up somewhat annoyed and embarrassed from your resting place. 'Maybe a walk would do me good...'


One advantage of being in a titan's body is that your feet never get tired.

It's like your feet feel numb but at the same time not...(?) okay, that explanation was weird.

You stretched even though you didn't really needed it. A body that doesn't get tired doesn't need anything.

Your basic needs from when you were human disappeared out the window as soon as you arrived at this place. Sometimes you missed your mom's stew or your sister's hot chocolate...


You almost cursed the gods for taking you away from something as divine as chocolate, but then a yellow flash along with a loud sound stopped you halfway through your emotional diatribe.

'What the—?'


𝙇𝙞𝙫𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙎𝙝𝙖𝙙𝙤𝙬𝙨 | 𝘷𝘢𝘳𝘪𝘰𝘶𝘴!𝘈𝘖𝘛 |Where stories live. Discover now