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I walked out of the airport seeing my older sister Leah. I smiled at her as I kept walking to her direction. She gave me a smile when I had reached her and we did our handshake before we hugged. "Long time no seen E" she said "you too"

I got into her car as she put my bag in the truck. I looked around the car noticing nothing new since she dropped me off at the same airport in the same car 5 years ago.

I turned my head when she got into the drivers seat next to me. "Let's go home" she said and I smiled.

I went to college finally. I did something the little me always dreamed of. Graduating college. I never had in mind what I wanted to graduate or where, but I knew thats what I wanted. I wanted to experience that kind of life and I finally did and it really was fun and challenging. And now I can finally go home.

I mean I could have graduated sooner, but my mental health got in my way. I barely graduated school that year.

Ever since I was a kid, I would get this feeling like I'm floating outside my body and looking down on myself, and I hated what I saw. And it only worsened when I got older.

I had a really bad anxiety, I never knew how to speak to people, feeling like I say or do the wrong things. Feeling like only bad things will happen no matter what I do. Not able to breathe time to time. And overthinking everything.

I wasn't good with socialising and im still working on that. But because of that, I thought that maybe people just don't like me. Maybe there is something wrong with my appearance, my personality, my laugh. And when a guy in my class started to bully me about everything I thought was wrong with me. And thats when I started to feel insecure. I hated everything about me. Not a single thing I liked.

I wanted to change my body, so I starved myself and worked out, but no matter how hard I tried, I never seemed to like my body. And my thoughts were the loudest voice I could hear. And to stop that voice, I chose to scar myself.

I got really sick, I rarely went out of the house, barely got out of bed for school. My sister was the first to notice and worry about me.

Because of her, Im still alive and I will always be thankful to her. She got the help I needed and when I was recovered and slowly got back on my feet, I decided to give the little me a chance to live the life she wanted. Which is ironic, because I absolutely hate school.

I still have moments that I feel depressed, but I am better and I'm trying.

But right now, I am thankful to be going back home. And spend time with my pack.

"How is everyone?" I asked her "Oh you know, the usual. Jacob is still obsessing over Charlies daughter." She said, keeping his eyes on the road "Oh yeah, you mentioned how they spent few months together" I said remembering our last conversation and she gave a nod "She runs with the vampires." She added blankly "She's a vampire?" I said, getting a little tensed up by the word 'vampire'.

"No. At least yet" She said "So she's seeing one of them and thinks that she wants to be like them?" I asked and he nodded "What an idiot" She chuckled "agreed."

Leah has been updating me with the life of forks these past few years. She has joined the pack with my younger brother- Seth now. I am not supposed to know nothing about vampires and werewolves as I haven't turned yet, because it Sams rules. But we agreed that I will be included on information sharing once a vampire attacked me and I saw Sam turn into a giant, dark wolf.

"You are gonna hate what I am about to say." She started and I let out a sigh "We are kind of working together with the Cullens" She said quietly "What?" I asked confused "There is a redhead vampire after Bella and she has created a newborn vampire army, just to kill her. And because we protect humans from vampires, we decided and agreed on to help them." She explained. I was left speechless. "I still haven't turned, Leah. I will be zero help." I said "Yet. The wolf might awaken, once you sense vampires." and I hummed in response.

The road back home was just us catching up on things. I shared my experience and stories about college and she told me everything I have missed these past 5 years in Forks.

And now we were parking Leahs car in the woods. "So what, are they gonna teach us how to kill vampires?" I asked "Basically yeah" She said "as if we don't know how to already" I said with an eye roll. I watched my sister turn into a wolf before she took her clothes off leaving herself in her underwear.

"So we don't trust them?" I asked not getting a response back.

I started to walk deeper into the forest, while Leah stayed next to me.

As we got closer, I could sense the cold ones. My instincts kicking in. I started to feel really warm. "Leah..." as I said her name, she understood what was happening instantly. I transformed into a wolf and before I knew it, I was running towards the vampire scent. As I reached the spot I looked around seeing my pack already there and the Cullens. Leah caught up on me and stood by my side. I could barely hold myself not to attack them.

"Everyone don't move" I heard a guy say, he had pale skin and golden blonde hair. The wolves started to walk closer to me to keep me away from attacking them. "Elena, don't." I heard Sams voice. I was apart of the pack now, meaning I could hear each one of their thoughts. "I can't be in the wolf form. I can't control myself." I said angrily
"Change back" Leah assured me."There are some clothes you can borrow" Jacob said, motioning to the bushes.

I quickly went behind the bush, basically forcing my wolf to do so so I can change and put clothes on. They were a bit too large on me, but it will do the trick.

I stepped out, a bit awkwardly. Not feeling comfortable after what just happened. "sorry about that.." I said quietly and an older guy with lighter blonde hair smiled and said "Thanks for coming"

"Thats Carlisle" I heard Jacobs thoughts. "The other one, Edward" His voice expressed a bigger dislike towards the other vampire who spoke earlier. I heard Leah scoff.

I noticed Bella behind him and it didn't take long enough for me to put two and two together to know that he was the one Bella had fallen in love.

Edward stepped few steps ahead and Jake went closer to Bella. I sat down, my back leaning against a tree.

"Welcome," Carlisle started "Jasper has experience with newborns" he mentioned, pointing towards a guy with slightly longer, blonde hair. "He'll teach us how to defeat them."

"So whats so different with newborns?" Seth asked, and I looked at his direction. "Vampires are vampires" Quil said jokingly "Edward." Sam called out the cold ones name.

"They want to know how the newborns are different from us." Edward spoke. "So what, does he read minds?" I asked my pack in my head "Annoyingly yes" Jacob answered.

"They are great deal stronger than us" Carlisle began to explain "Because their own human blood lingers in their tissues" he stopped for a second "our kind is never more physically powerful than in our first several months of this life" he explained.

Carlisle allowed Jasper to speak now. "Carlisle is right. That is why they are created. A newborn army doesn't need thousands like a human army. But no human army could stand against them." He said blankly. While the wolves growled. And I grinned.

"Now, the two most important things to remember are first- never let them get your arms around you, they'll crush you instantly. And second- never go for the obvious kill, they will be expecting that and you will lose." He said seriously "Emmett." He called out the bigger guys name.

Now, this is interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28 ⏰

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