"Yes I want to help but not by creating something so dangerous." I say and hold up the sketches,"not this."

Kuvira gives me a long look then shifts her gaze over to  Bataar,
"Fine, I respect your opinion, Sophie."

I hold my breath, that was way too easy.


I hold my breath and press myself tighter against the wall.

"What are you going to do?"Bataar asks.

Silence has never been so loud.

"Sophie has to go. She is starting to stand in the way of uniting the earth empire."

Earth empire?

"Will people not notice that she is gone?"

"Only those of the inner circle know that she is even here and their loyalty lies with me.
To anyone else who might care about her, we'll say that she tragically died in a work accident."

I hold my breath.

Kuvira is going to kill me.


"You should have done what I told you to do!"Kuvira shouts as I scramble away from the edge of the cliff.

The motorcycle is trashed and I'm surrounded by soldiers.

My entire body trembles out of fear.

I look her in the eyes,"I thought we were friends."

Kuvira doesn't say anything.

I feel a sudden rage run through my veins,"I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS! YOU BETRAYED ME!"

I look at the soldiers," Do any of you actually know what she's doing? What she's planning?
What actually happens in the camps-"

"Enough!" Kuvira shouts, "I'm giving you two options.
Either they kill you or you jump."

I look over the cliff and see a running body of water several meters under me, only being illuminated by the full moon.

I contemplate my options and decide to Jump.

I turn my back towards the rest and look down again.

Just as I am about to jump I feel something stab me and an immense pain erupts from my lower back

Tears shoot into my eyes and I fall onto my knees, screaming.

I start feeling woozy from the immense pain and blood loss and feel the knife being ripped out of my back again.

I fall onto my back and see Kuvira standing above me

I scream, even louder, in agony and start to loose consciousness.

"You should have never tried to stop me."she says and holds the bloody knife in her hand.

The knife that I had made for her.

"I wish I could say I was sorry."she says and she pushes me over the edge and throws the knife after me.


Smoke fills the cell and I shake the metal bars.

"Let me help! I can help fight Kuvira! Please!"I shout into the hallway.

I can hear screams echoing from outside and let out a frustrated scream.

I suddenly hear quick footsteps and master Haru's wife, Kira, appears in front of me.

She stops in front of my cell and I can see the terrified look on her face.

"If you are one of us, help us."she sobs and opens the cell.


I look over the battle field.
A place where I should be feeling remorse but I actually feel accomplishment.

I look back at the crowd that has fallen to their knees, in respect and because of the immense spiritual power they are feeling.

"All hail the spirit bender, slayer of Kuvira's northern army"


When I wake up I feel like absolute shit.

Well now even more considering the memories that had just washed up again.

Not that I try to forget them, just remembering what has happened to me puts a real damper on my days.

There's a knock on my door and Mako walks in.

"I brought you dinner and a book."he says and drops both on my nightstand.

"Are you okay?"he asks and I sigh.

"I'm fine... I just had a bad dream."

*Sorry for the relative short chapter, I just felt that that gave you guys enough of an idea of what is going on :)*

*If you guys are confused don't worry more will be explained/revealed soon.*

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