But then my homework popped into my head. And my mom, the fact that I was grounded. As the guys were staring at me, I grabbed my phone, trying to turn it on. I realized that my mom hadn't called me and I wondered why. If I was grounded and I wasn't showing up on time wouldn't she be worried?

It was dead. My phone was dead, and that's why I hadn't gotten a single call from anyone asking where I was.

But I was already going to be in trouble for going home late, so did it matter how late it really was? She was going to be mad either way.

I stood up and shoved my phone into my back pocket. I took a deep breath and let my shoulders drop as I began to walk towards the two, both of their faces lighting up.

"I'll do it, but someone has to hold my hand."

Yeonjun threw his hand in the air, "I'll do it!"

I should've expected it, but I couldn't help but laugh a little when he did that. He was so childish, seeing him so giddy to help me learn how to skate.

He quickly put his board on the floor and gestured for me to stand on it. I immediately felt my stomach flipping. But I took the initiative and took the first step, placing one foot on the skateboard.

Immediately, I reached out for Yeonjun's hands. I needed him to hold me before the skateboard slipped out from underneath me and I went tumbling to the ground. His hands held mine tightly, taking a step back so he could keep me at arms length.

I stepped my other foot up onto the skateboard, and that's when I knew my life was actually in his hands. Kai moved around from behind and placed his hands on my waist. I felt Yeonjun loosen his hands on my grip.

"No, this isn't right. Let's switch places, Kai." From behind, I heard Kai chuckle as he swiftly walked to the front of me and grabbed my hands, Yeonjun moving to the back side of me to hold my waist. Compared to Kai, you could tell who the lover was.

"We're just going to roll, right? I don't think I can turn." My voice was sheepish, but rightfully so. I was terrified of falling and embarrassing myself in front of the guys, though I knew, if I fell, they would do nothing but help me, right?

Kai nodded and squeezed my hands with a smile, "Of course."

Before I knew it, I was rolling, slowly, stiff as a stick, across the pavement.

Kai had long since let go, and the sun had sunk deeper and deeper until the sunset was smudged across the cement I was rolling along. Having Yeonjun holding my waist, letting go every few seconds just to grab me again as tightly as before to give me that sense of freedom and control over my own body was nice.

"You're doing it!" I giggled when I heard Taehyun yelling from far behind me. I had to turn to see where he was, my head stiff but managing to turn just far enough to see the 3 guys left all the way behind. I had gone so far.

"I'm proud of you." I snickered at Yeonjun, who smiled up at me as we continued to slowly roll forward. I swear I could see the few kids across the street staring, probably thinking I was the lamest guy they'd ever seen. Struggling to skateboard at 17 years old? Needing someone to hold onto you because you're too afraid to fall? That's so lame.

But I was proud. I stepped out of my comfort zone in numerous ways. Not only did I talk to Yeonjun, let him hold me like this, but I tried skateboarding, all while I should've been at home, knowing my mother's head was going to explode when she saw me returning home past dark considering the fact that I was grounded.

"I'm gonna let you go, okay?"


"Just keep your head and body straight like this, you'll be fine."

Lights Are Missing (PART 1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora