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My heart was beating out of my chest as I reached the front door of Kai's house. I knew he was waiting for me. I wondered though, if the other guys were also there waiting for me. I wondered if they even wanted me there. Maybe they just invited me out of pity.

The past few weeks were pretty tame. I mean, really, nothing much happened that increased tensions between anyone. School was fun, hanging out with them was fun too, just like always, yet Yeonjun and I couldn't seem to move on from whatever happened at my house. He was so certain, that night, that he could make things work, yet he didn't dare mention another word of that day. It was so strange and it made absolutely no sense to me.

I knocked on the door. Standing there, the longer it took, I wondered if anyone had heard me, or if anyone was even home. I was confused about what to do. But eventually, I heard footsteps and yelling, Kai.

He swung the door open and smiled seeing me. He threw his arms around me and dragged me into his house, using his foot to shut the door behind him.

When he finally let go of me, I felt myself loosen up and I smiled. He then started running into the living room, and so I followed him.

In the living room, I saw Yeonjun and Taehyun sitting together on the couch. Soobin and a girl were sitting on the floor. I quickly assumed, and saw, that the girl was Kai's sister. But the two looked so similar.

"Kai. Is that your sister?" I grabbed his arm as I continued to walk forward with him.

His face lit up as he nodded, "We're twins. Can you tell?" He laughed a little as he jumped onto Taehyun and Yeonjun, my hand slipping from his arm as he did that. The two guys groaned in pain underneath him but I couldn't help but giggle a little.

I sat myself down on the opposite side of the couch as I watched the two guys struggle to push Kai off of them. But once he fell to the ground, he got up and turned to me.

"No!" I shouted as I laughed. Kai then jumped onto me. I fought to get him off of me, and I was doing a pretty good job, until he started to poke my sides. I went weak and shut my eyes as I accepted my fate.

Then the weight on top of me was thrown onto the ground with a thud. When my eyes finally opened back up I saw Kai's sister standing over me with a huge smile.

"Hello! You're new!" She grabbed my hands and pulled me up from the couch. I couldn't help but nod sheepishly at her excitement.

"Yeah, I'm Beomgyu." I smiled softly at her. She then threw her arms around me and squeezed me into a tight hug. She was pretty strong for her smaller size.

"Beomgyu!" She repeated before finally pulling away from me, patting my shoulders, "I'm Aera."

I knew her name already. From school of course. But I don't know what it was about seeing her outside of school that just made things weird. It was like I didn't recognize her at all. Aera was a pretty name. Aera and Kai, the L thing was pretty cool too.

I was about to say something to her but I was quickly interrupted by Soobin who walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist, whispering something in her ear. I watched as her face contorted from a smile to an annoyed expression.

Her hands dropped from my shoulders as she elbowed Soobin's stomach, causing him to stumble back. She smiled at me again, her eyes softening, "A friend of Kai is a friend of mine."

"Well I'm glad to hear." I smiled once more as I realized that Kai was still laying on the ground. I chuckled when I heard him groan in discomfort. Aera laughed a little too, but she was quickly whisked away by Soobin.

I turned my attention back to Kai fully as I helped him back up from the ground. Once he stood up, running a hand through his hair to fix it, I looked over my shoulder at Soobin and Aera who were being very touchy. That kind of confused me though.

Lights Are Missing (PART 1)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن