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Instead of riding over the train tracks like we did the last time we came to the cliffs, we turned on them instead, a cloud of dust and dirt following each bike that turned. I coughed a little, being the last one through the even heavier cloud of dust that had accumulated.

I did my best to keep up with them, but they were pretty far ahead of me just because I'd gotten stuck on a bush right before the train tracks had come up.

Just then, I saw the train up ahead. It was old and abandoned. I was honestly a little surprised I'd never seen it before, or heard of it.

Of course, they beat me to the train, dropping their bikes on the ground beside them as they all stood there waiting for me to catch up. Once I finally did, I dropped my bike too, hobbling to the side as my foot got stuck for a second.

Soobin gave me a sad look, "You know what, I'll stay. You guys can show Beomgyu what it's like." I was so confused about what he was talking about, but the other guys all just slowly nodded.

"What?" My mind was speaking for itself. I had no idea what he meant.

Yeonjun stepped in, "One of us has to stay down here so we can help the others back down. Even then, we don't need them for that, it's just because we can't pull them up without someone giving them a boost. So, someone always has to stay down here."

I immediately felt a twang in my heart. I felt so bad. They had never been able to do it together. Plus, heights were a little much for me. Sure, it was only like 15 feet, but it being so old and rusted, it just gave me this uneasy feeling.

"Absolutely not! Soobin, you go. You guys have never been able to do it before. I'll go next time!" I smiled wide. I knew that Soobin was going to try and fight it, but I didn't care. I wanted them to be able to finally experience the thing they'd been waiting for.

As I'd predicted, Soobin shook his head and grabbed my hand, pulling me closer to him as he walked over closer to the train where the other guys had already been standing, "You deserve to experience this."

"And you deserve it more." I said as I pulled my hand away from him, stopping in my tracks. He turned his head to face me, a somber look in his eyes.

The way he looked at me made me feel somewhat powerful. It made me feel good about myself. I was letting myself give something up just so that I could see him have a good time. It made me feel like a good friend.

Over his shoulder, I saw the other guys start to help each other up onto the train. Taehyun was the first to get up, using Kai's interlocked hands as a boost up. Taehyun may have been shorter than them, but he was definitely more athletic. Their abilities, the way they were so in sync, the way they all worked together was just so admirable.

"Next time?" Soobin said, reassuring himself that I was going to be able to experience it sooner than later. I quickly nodded as I ushered him along closer towards the train where Yeonjun was waiting for Soobin's turn. Kai and Taehyun were already on top of the train, their arms reaching down for whoever was going next.

Soobin sighed, I saw his shoulders drop drastically as he stepped up on Yeonjun's hands. He reached up as Yeonjun gave him a boost, grabbing his friend's hands as they pulled him up. It was just Yeonjun and I, and I had to help him up.

"I'm not too heavy, am I?" He snickered as I rolled my eyes. Looking over his shoulder, I saw the long stretch of the train track that eventually, slowly, subtly, turned around a corner and disappeared into the greens of the trees that was such a contrast from the beige, sandy color of the gravel and the tracks.

"We'll have to find out." I interlocked my fingers like he had, laughing gently as he rolled his eyes. He placed his foot on my hand, his hands on my shoulders as he started to lift himself up. He was a bit heavy. He was a lot heavier than anything I'd ever lifted before, but then again, I didn't lift. I didn't work out, ever.

Lights Are Missing (PART 1)Where stories live. Discover now