Chapter 10: This Detective Pisses Me Off

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Knock knock!

"Hey, Ame! It's Kronii, open up!"

Kronii had arrived in front of Ame's home in no time. Before coming over, Kronii had already texted Ame that she would be coming to her house immediately. She couldn't help but feel impatient, craving the answers to her questions.

'If she's involved with the reason behind this, I swear I'm gonna...'

Imagining it only made her blood boil, causing her to crack her knuckles one by one. She had been lenient with Ame, as she held (stole) part of her power, but she wouldn't let her off lightly this time.

'Hoo... Calm down, Kronii. She hasn't done anything yet. You shouldn't blame her just by her track record.'

Kronii began calming herself down, knowing that she shouldn't put the blame on Ame just yet. After all, Ame was the one who offered to help her in the first place. If she hadn't texted her, Kronii would've been at a loss on what to do.


As her anger died down, she heard the front door click open. The front door opened, with the blond-haired detective standing behind it. However, the mischievous look she'd often had was missing. Instead, she looked exhausted, as if she'd been staying up all night. The dark circles under her eyes and her unkempt hair were enough proof of it.

"Wow, you looked... like you've been busy." Kronii managed to smooth over her words at Ame.

"Thanks. I have been busy, in fact." Ame answered with a frown. "Good to see you're still the same as ever after what you've been through yesterday. I thought you would've been stabbed twice at the very least."

"So you do know what's been happening to me!" Kronii remarked.

Although she'd rushed over in a hurry, she held a slight hint of doubt that Ame was talking about a different topic. Now that she finally found someone who had an inkling of what was going on, she felt a wave of relief wash over her.

"Yeah, I do. Come on in; I'll fill you in on what I know." Ame stood aside to let Kronii in. After Kronii walked inside, Ame closed the door and led the way inside.

Kronii began talking freely now that she knew someone understood what had been going on. "God, it's such a relief to finally see someone acting normal around me. Yesterday just felt like a nightmare; I couldn't understand why everyone was behaving like that. It was like everyone around me was madly in love with me..."

As she finished her sentence, Kronii suddenly realized something. She jumped back in surprise as she yelled, "Wait! Don't tell me... Are you actually just like them? Are you in love with me as well?! Don't even try it, I'll run away right now if I have to!"

"Who the hell would be in love with you, dumbass! Don't say nasty shit like that to me, you're making my skin crawl!" Ame immediately yelled back in disgust while rubbing her arms.

"Oh, okay..."

On one hand, it was good to know that Ame was definitely acting like herself. But on the other hand, her flat-out rejection was a blow to Kronii's ego. The embarrassment of accusing Ame of being in love with her had also begun to settle, causing her to bury her face in her hands.

"When you're done moping around, feel free to follow me." Ame commented before continuing to walk further inside.

"Urk! A-Alright."

Ame's words knocked some sense into Kronii. After pushing her shameful behavior aside, she followed right behind Ame.

Seeing Kronii following her, Ame began talking, "Just let me make sure of what happened to you yesterday. Aside from the obvious case of lovestruck, did everyone around you show some changes in behaviors? Something like having their emotions amplified?"

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