21.If she has to go to sleep, so do they

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We all sat down at the table except the guy talking on the phone. On the one hand, I am my mother, Leo and Thomas, and on the other hand, I am the family of Thomas' friends. Across from me sat a boy with raven-black hair and beautiful green eyes. Conversations began. The adults were talking to each other, and after a while Leo decided to introduce me to the boy from across the street while helping himself to some interesting looking dish.

- Lucas, this is Rosie - he introduced me to the boy - Rosie, this is Lucas.

- Nice to meet you - I said, smiling warmly.

- Me too - Lucas replied, a smile also appearing on his face. - There are still my brothers, Philip, but he is not in town. And this one... well...

- Aiden, the one on the phone - Leo said quickly.

At that moment, Lucas' brother entered the dining room. I looked at him more closely now. His perfectly ironed jacket hugged his arms, showing off his toned arms. He had brown hair and blue eyes.

He was so sexy tanned...

I mean what? I did not say anything.

On his hand you could see a gold watch and a bracelet of that color with a badge, while his shoes were highly polished and shiny.

- I'm sorry I'm late - he said in a low voice. - Lorves affairs. Something broke down and I had to call a mechanic.

- Of course. Sit down, Aiden - said Thomas.

So it was Aiden...

He sat down in the seat across from Leo, next to his brother, who moved away slightly. Aiden kept looking towards the adults.

Only now did I notice that he must have been much older than me.

- As for the organization, I decided to leave it to the younger generation.

- Will you write down all your shares? - Mrs. Anderson asked.

- All of them - Thomas replied.

- Be brave...

- Which of your sons is so responsible? - asked the man - read: Aiden, Lucas and Philip's father, Mr. Anderson.

- Wrong - pointed out Thomas - Which one. I think Rosanna can handle organization a lot better than all of my sons combined.

Aiden snorted softly.

- Finally, a woman in your organization - Mrs. Anderson interjected, giving her son a scolding look.

Everyone, without exception, turned their eyes towards me, and I smiled slightly.


The talks lasted a long time. Me, Lucas and Leo together, and our parents and Aiden together. I was listening to the conversation of these elders while digging into the salad on my plate. Fortunately, it didn't contain tomatoes, which I was allergic to. From the corner of my eye, I saw Aiden looking at me every now and then, but when I did the same, he looked away.

- Why did you move here? - Mr. Anderson asked my mother.

- I got into Harvard - my mother replied.

- No one from this group got into Harvard, you must have been very talented to get there from Poland.

- My late great-grandmother came from Poland - this time the boys' mother interjected.

- Rosie, Rosie - someone started waving their hand in my face.

- What ?! - I growled quietly, turning towards Leo.

Okay, that wasn't very polite.

- Are you listening? - I corrected myself.

- Lucas asked a question - my stepbrother replied.

I looked at him questioningly.

- What field are you going to? - the boy asked, probably for the second time.

- For medicine - I answered without thinking, returning to digging into the salad. - And you ?

- I don't know yet. Possibly political science.

- At least not like almost everyone I know. Law, law and law. - I sighed.

- I'm very sorry - Leo muttered - I'm here too.

We laughed quietly.

-Are you just going to eat this thing? - Leo asked, pointing to the plate with my salad.

- Salad? Yes. - I replied.


Later, I had a very nice conversation with them, but I was missing a girl who would support me in some matters. After some time, out of the blue, Thomas turned to me:

- It's almost midnight, you should go to sleep, Rosanna.

God... what a shame.

I closed my eyes feeling hot with shame. Mrs. Anderson came to my rescue.

- She's not a child, Thomas, she's 19. Just like Leo and Lucas, if she had to go to sleep, so did they.

In the end, I didn't have to go to sleep now, but only after the guests had left.

Thank you Mrs. Anderson...

When we were going to our rooms, Leo whispered in my ear.

- If anything, don't count on Philip, he's 10 years old.

- It's no problem for me - I said with a sarcastic smile, to which Leo just sighed loudly and went into his room.

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