"Whenever I dared to protest, he would beat me mercilessly, and I wasn't that strong to compete yet he was my uncle too, my parents never told me such bad manners, i use to think this at that time and never took any action, It got to the point where the only way to escape was to shift into my bunny form and flee"...Jungkook revealed, his voice barely above a whisper. Tae's heart ached at the thought of Jungkook enduring such cruelty at the hands of his own family member.

"You deserved so much better, No one should have to suffer like that, especially not someone as kind and resilient as you''...  Tae whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

Jungkook's heartbreaking story unfolded, Tae felt a renewed sense of determination. He knew that he had to do everything in his power to support Jungkook and help him break free from the chains of his past. And as he looked into Jungkook's eyes, filled with pain yet also with a glimmer of hope, Tae silently vowed to stand by his side no matter what. Tae's heart sank further as Jungkook revealed the extreme lengths he had gone to escape his uncle's abuse.

"So, you started living in your animal form to escape?"... Tae whispered, his voice heavy with sorrow.

"It was the only way to find some semblance of peace, In my bunny form, I could evade his beatings and the constant fear of having my hard-earned money snatched away''...Jungkook nodded, his gaze downcast he confessed, his voice filled with resignation. Tae struggled to comprehend the depth of Jungkook's suffering.

"Living in your animal form must have been incredibly lonely''... Tae remarked, his voice tinged with sympathy...

"At times, it felt like I had lost myself completely, But it was also a means of survival—a way to protect myself from the cruelty of the world"....he admitted, his voice trembling with emotion. "

As Jungkook's words hung heavy in the air, Tae felt a surge of empathy wash over him. He couldn't imagine the pain and isolation Jungkook had endured, but he also admired his resilience in the face of such adversity.

"You're incredibly strong, Jungkook. To endure so much and still find the strength to keep going''...Tae said softly, his voice filled with admiration...

Jungkook offered a faint smile in response, his eyes reflecting a mixture of pain and gratitude. In that moment, Tae knew that he would do whatever it took to help Jungkook find the peace and happiness he deserved. Tae's heart ached as Jungkook continued to reveal the ongoing torment he endured

"He always cursed me to shift into my human form so that he can make me work day and night and spends it on some kind of strippers and alcohol, His words were like daggers, constantly tearing me down, But even in the darkest moments, I refused to give in to his demands ''... he confessed, his voice laced with pain his expression heavy with the weight of his memories...

"You stayed true to yourself, even when everything seemed hopeless''...Tae remarked, his voice filled with respect Tae felt a surge of admiration for Jungkook's unwavering defiance in the face of his uncle's cruelty. Jungkook offered a small nod, a hint of pride flickering in his eyes.

"I couldn't let him break me, Even if it meant living in my animal form indefinitely''...he said quietly, his voice tinged with determination...

As Jungkook's words lingered in the air, Tae felt a renewed sense of resolve. He knew that he couldn't change Jungkook's past, but he was determined to help him build a brighter future. And as he looked into Jungkook's eyes, filled with strength and resilience...

Tae listened intently to Jungkook's story, his heart heavy with empathy for the hardships Jungkook had endured. As Jungkook finished recounting his ordeal, Tae couldn't help but feel a nagging curiosity.

"So, your parents were hybrids too?".... Tae inquired, his voice filled with curiosity.

"Yes, my father was a bunny hybrid, while my mother was human''...Jungkook nodded solemnly, he confirmed, his tone tinged with sadness.

Tae listened attentively, absorbing this new piece of information. The idea that Jungkook came from a mixed heritage added another layer of complexity to his already intricate story.

"It must have been interesting growing up in a family with such diverse backgrounds''... Tae remarked, his voice thoughtful. Jungkook offered a small smile in response, though there was a hint of melancholy in his eyes.

"It had its challenges, and my parents loved each other deeply, Their love was a constant source of strength for me, even in the darkest of times''....he said softly making tae to smile..

''how did you ended up on that road though?''...tae asked

''I was being chased by my drunk uncle and his friends, They wanted to beat me to force me to shift back into human form''..Jungkook's voice trembled as he recounted the day they met, he explained, his words quickened with the urgency of the memory, Without pausing, he continued...

"I ran until I found myself in the forest, with them still on my tail. That's when I crossed paths with you''...Jungkook's gaze met Tae's, gratitude shining in his eyes for their chance encounter on that fateful day. Tae furrowed his brow in confusion...

"But when I looked behind us, there was no sign of anyone''... he remarked, puzzled by the absence of any disturbance in the area.

They stopped chasing me halfway through the forest But I kept running. I didn't want to stop and let the fear consume me. I wanted to see where the path would lead me''...Jungkook nodded his expression somber, as he explained...

As Jungkook spoke, Tae couldn't help but admire his courage and resilience in the face of adversity. It was clear that Jungkook's determination had led him to their serendipitous encounter in the forest that day.

''thank you so much for everything''.... jungkook said a hint of vulnerability and gratitude in his voice. Tae's heart warmed at Jungkook's words, his eyes softening with affection.

"You don't have to thank me, Jungkook, taking care of you and providing you safety is the least I can do. You deserve all the happiness in the world''...he replied gently..

''well, from how long you were in your bunny form?''..he asked

''three years''... jungkook replied

"Three years?"...he repeated, his voice tinged with disbelief.

"You spent three years in your bunny form?"...Tae's eyes widened in astonishment as he processed Jungkook's revelation.

Jungkook nodded solemnly, his gaze meeting Tae's with a mixture of resignation and acceptance.

"Yes, Three long years''...he confirmed, his voice quiet.

The weight of Jungkook's words settled over them, Tae couldn't help but feel a surge of admiration,  To endure three years in a form that wasn't his own spoke volumes about Jungkook's courage and determination.

"You're incredibly strong, Jungkook, To endure so much and still retain your spirit... it's truly remarkable''....Tae said softly, his voice filled with admiration...


Thanks for reading ✨

It was sad, isn't?😭

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