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Jungkook took a deep breath, steeling himself to recount his past to Tae . As he began to speak, Tae listened intently, his expression a mix of curiosity and concern.

"I was born into a wealthy family, My parents loved me dearly, and I was their only child''....Jungkook began, his voice soft yet filled with sorrow, Tae nodded, silently urging Jungkook to continue.

"But there was always a shadow in our household.My uncle lived with us, but his presence was overshadowed by his addiction to alcohol. Despite my parents' warnings, he couldn't break free from it''...Jungkook continued, his tone growing somber, his voice quivered as he recounted the tragic events that unfolded when he was in his final year of high school.

"There was a meeting and a small program at my school. I was already there, waiting for my parents to arrive''... he explained, his eyes clouded with pain.

"Then... then the unthinkable happened, My parents were involved in a car accident. They... they didn't make it''...Jungkook continued, his voice barely above a whisper, Tae's heart clenched at the raw anguish in Jungkook's voice, silently offering him comfort...

"When I received the news, I was devastated, Losing my parents... it felt like my whole world had crumbled. I was left alone, grappling with grief and facing the harsh realities of life without them''...Jungkook confessed, his voice thick with emotion. ..

As Jungkook shared the heartbreaking story of his loss, Tae listened with empathy, his heart breaking for the pain Jungkook had endured at such a young age. In that moment, Tae knew that Jungkook's story was far from over, and he silently vowed to be there for him every step of the way.

Jungkook continued his tale, the weight of his words hung heavy in the air. Tae listened with a mix of shock and empathy, his heart going out to Jungkook as he recounted the depths of his suffering.

"After my parents' passing, my uncle's addiction only worsened, He seized control of our family home, selling it off for his own gain. In return, he received a large sum of money''... Jungkook revealed, his voice tinged with bitterness. Tae's eyes widened in disbelief as he listened to the depths of Jungkook's uncle's betrayal.

"And what did he do with the money?"... Tae asked, his voice barely above a whisper, already dreading the answer.,Jungkook's expression darkened as he continued...

"He bought a small house for us to live in, but it was nothing compared to what we had before, And whenever I questioned him about his actions, I was met with either harsh words or cold silence''....he explained. The pain in Jungkook's voice was palpable as he spoke of his uncle's neglect and abuse

"He wasted the leftover money on alcohol, gambling, and other vices, He barely ate at home, leaving me to fend for myself, sometimes starves to death. And as for my studies... well, they fell by the wayside amidst all the chaos''...Jungkook confessed, his voice filled with resentment.

As Jungkook's story unfolded, Tae felt a surge of anger and sadness wash over him. He couldn't imagine the pain and suffering Jungkook had endured at the hands of his own family. But amidst the darkness of his past, Tae also saw strength and resilience in Jungkook's eyes—a testament to the indomitable spirit that had carried him through the darkest of times. Tae's heart sank as Jungkook revealed the extent of his suffering under his uncle's tyranny.

"Then what happened?"... Tae murmured, his voice laced with sympathy and anger...

"He made me do work i worked tirelessly, enduring his verbal abuse and curses, all for nothing, Every penny I earned was wasted by him on his vices, leaving me with nothing. I couldn't even afford to feed myself''... Jungkook confessed, his voice filled with bitterness, his eyes reflecting the pain of those memories. Tae clenched his fists in frustration, struggling to contain the rage building inside him...

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