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Hie Barbies

Jin woke up early, knowing Namjoon had a busy day ahead. Determined to make his husband's morning a little brighter, Jin headed straight to the kitchen. He carefully selected the ingredients and began preparing Namjoon's favorite breakfast. As he cooked, the aroma of sizzling eggs and toasting bread filled the kitchen.Time ticked by, but Namjoon still hadn't emerged from their bedroom, probably getting ready. Jin glanced at the clock, realizing that Namjoon was running late for work...

Jin: "Namjoon, we've run out of flour in the kitchen. Can you grab some from the cupboard above the stove? I can't reach it''...jin yelled from the kitchen

''coming babe''...he yelled back from the room, and in minutes he was standing in kitchen, jin watches as Namjoon reaches for the flour...

''don't yuh dare show your clumsiness in this running hour joon''...jin glared his side profile making him scoff mumbling 'i'm not always clumsy' making jin to look at him narrowly

But to his kuch te container tumbles down, sending flour cascading down on both of their heads. Jin, frustrated, stood straight using his hands to put off the white flour, while Namjoon, in a panic, tries to catch the container but only manages to send it careening off in a different direction...

"Namjoon! How could you be so clumsy? Now we're both covered in flour!"....jin groaned annoyed

"I'm really sorry, Jin! I'll clean it up, I promise!".... Namjoon frantically started dusting flour off from jin's face suppressing his laugh

"Namjoon! I can't believe this! Every time I ask you to do something simple, it turns into a disaster! It's like you're not even trying!"....jin got furious even more seeing him supress his laugh

Namjoon: *apologetic* "I'm really sorry, Jin. I don't know what happened. I'll clean it up, I promise''... Namjoon pouted

"Sorry won't cut it this time, Namjoon. I'm tired of cleaning up after your messes. Just stay out of the kitchen from now on!"... Jin fumed but remained calm with sigh he started cleaning up and gave him fruits to eat as his breakfast got just ruin....

As Jin was cleaning up after the mess caused by his husband's clumsiness, he couldn't help but thought to grumble to his brother-in-law about how his husband's antics always seemed to lead to chaos, he picked up the phone and dialed tae's number....

"You won't believe what happened this morning, Tae. My husband decided to make breakfast, but instead of pancakes, he managed to give both of us a shower of flour!"...jin ranted directly no greetings just came on point while tae need to register his words twice to understand his rap...

"Oh no, not again! He really has a talent for turning simple tasks into chaos, doesn't he?"....tae laughed

"Tell me about it! I walked into the kitchen there was a shortage of flour I asked for his help, and there he helped me causing to flour everywhere, we both were looking like a walking cloud''....jin snickered...

''Well, at least he tried, right? Maybe we should start calling yuh both the 'Flour Chef' from now on''...tae giggled

"That's one way to look at it, I suppose. But next time, I think I'll handle breakfast duty myself, won't ask for any help i swear''...jin sighed making metal note inside his conscious mind...

"Probably a wise decision. But hey, at least you two will have a hilarious story to tell for years to come!"...tae frowned saying the matter of fact...

''True, you always find the silver lining in these situations. Thanks for listening, Tae''...jin smiled from the other side

𝙵𝚞𝚛-𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Where stories live. Discover now