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Hie Barbies

As Tae stood outside his apartment door, he realized he had forgotten his spare keys and couldn't unlock the door from the inside. His knuckles rapped against the wood, but there was no response from within.

Meanwhile, inside the apartment, Jimin slept deeply on the couch, oblivious to the world around him. Bunny, sensing his favorite human nearby, stirred from his slumber in Tae's room. With a burst of energy, the bunny bounded out of the room and into the living room, where he found Jimin sound asleep.

Excited to see tae, bunny hopped onto his stomach, causing Jimin to groan and clutch his abdomen in discomfort. Jimin's eyes fluttered open in confusion, his sleep-addled mind struggling to make sense of the situation.

As bunny continued to hop up and down, Jimin's groans turned into annoyed grumbles. He glared at the mischievous bunny, trying to comprehend what was happening.

At the same time, the incessant knocking on the door and the ringing of Jimin's phone finally penetrated Jimin's sleepy consciousness. With a jolt, he realized someone was trying to get his attention.

Groaning again, this time with frustration, Jimin pushed bunny off his stomach and staggered to his feet, stumbling towards the door. With each step, he tried to shake off the lingering effects of sleep, determined to address the commotion at the door.

As Jimin opened the door, he was met with Tae's glaring gaze, which instantly made him snap out of his sleepy stupor. He casually yawned, trying to shake off the drowsiness before responding...

"Were you dead inside?"....Tae asked, his tone a mix of concern and irritation.Jimin rubbed his eyes, trying to fully wake up....

"No, just caught up in a deep sleep''...he replied with a sheepish grin, realizing he must have looked quite out of it, understanding dawning in his eyes.

"Well, you had me worried. I couldn't get in, and your phone was ringing nonstop''... he explained, his voice tinged with relief now that Jimin was awake and safe. Jimin's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he realized the extent of Tae's concern.

"Sorry about that. I guess I was more tired than I thought''... he apologized sincerely. Tae nodded, accepting the apology.

''ofcourse you would be tired, after doing that stuff for like seven times a day''..tae rolled his eyes

''bitch, imma wait till you get your men, you won't be saying these things then, watch it''...Jimin scoffed...

''oh please, i ain't horny like you all the time, things have limits''...tae sassed

''let's see''...Jimin said with an unimpressed face...

''whatever, let me in''...tae said

Jimin stepped aside to let Tae enter the apartment, feeling grateful for his friend's understanding. As he closed the door behind them, Jimin couldn't help but feel relieved that Tae was back and that everything had turned out alright in the end

As Tae stepped inside, bunny came bounding towards him, his earlier restlessness seemingly forgotten in the joy of Tae's return. Tae couldn't help but smile as he watched the bunny approach, his heart warming at the sight of bunny's enthusiasm.

"Hey baby''... Tae cooed softly, crouching down to bunny's level. With a gentle hand, he scooped up the bunny into his arms, feeling the warmth of bunny's soft fur against his skin.

Bunny nestled against Tae's chest, emitting a contented sigh as if to say that everything was alright now that Tae was back home. Tae couldn't help but chuckle at the bunny's antics, feeling a sense of peace wash over him in bunny's comforting presence.

𝙵𝚞𝚛-𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚈𝚘𝚞𝚛𝚜 {𝚃𝙺} ✓Where stories live. Discover now