Chapter 8

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Remus was avoiding Lorelai. Why? Well because he hurt her badly and nearly killed one of her best friends.

That's right, Sirius had told him and the others about what he had done. Peter was disappointed and upset, James was livid and Remus was the angriest. Just like Regulus, he actually punched the older Black in the face.

It's been a few days since that happened, and the Marauders were all over the place. James was going back and fourth between hanging out with Lorelai and Remus.

Lorelai had been spending her time with Owen, Regulus and Severus. And Sirius, well, he was completely alone. He didn't talk to anyone or even make-out with any girls like he usually did.

Unfortunetly today, they all had potions together. The Scamander-Sallow witch was standing between Severus and Owen, Remus, James and Peter were standing behind them and Sirius was alone on the other side of the classroom.

"I prepared some concoctions this morning. Any ideas what these might be?" Slughorn questioned, Lorelai being the only one to raise her hand.

"Yes, miss Scamander-Sallow?" He pointed to her, making her step forward.

"That one there is Veritaserum, which is a truth-telling serum. And this one is Amortentia. The most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently to each person, according to what attracts them" She answered.

"Excellent, my dear. And would you be able to possibly give us an example" Lorelai's breathe hitched sightly, not quite sure if she wanted to but decided to just get it over with. Taking a deep breathe, she instantly smelt very familiar scents.

"I smell old books, chocolate, cigarette smoke and...leather" Lorelai answered, clearing her throat as she felt herself being a little too immersed into the scents and stepped back.

James and Owen smirked, knowing full well who those scents belonged to but Remus and Sirius didn't. They felt sad knowing that Lorelai seemed to like someone, and that someone wasn't them.

"Now, Amortentia doesn't create actual love. That would be impossible. But it does cause powerful infatuation or obsession. And for that reason, it is probably the most dangerous potion in this room" Slughorn explained, placing the lid a top the cauldron. 

"Alright, today you will be brewing an acceptable Draught of Living Death. Recipes for which can be found on page ten of your books. Good luck to you all, and let the brewing commence" Lorelai walked off to grab the ingredient's that she needed, she didn't need the book as she was one of the best potions makers in her year. Along with Severus of course.

Once she had the ingredient's, she settled before a cauldron that was between Severus and Owen.

Lorelai added the wormwood, before adding the powdered root of asphodel and stirred it twice. The girl kept her focus on the potion, but she could feel someone's eyes burning into the side of her skull. Lorelai knew exactly who it was and it irked her.

"He's staring again" Severus said lowly, his eyes still focused on his own potion.

"I know" She huffed, as she grabbed a silver knife and crushed the sopophorous bean which Severus noticed making him smirk.

"Great minds think alike, I see" The wizard said, making Lorelai look over to see that he too was crushing the bean instead of trying to cut it like everyone else.

The Scamander-Sallow opened her mouth to speak, but something hit her in the head. Looking down, she saw a bean and looked over to Owen who smiled at her sheepishly.

"Sorry, Rory" He said, as Lorelai handed the bean back to him with a laugh.

About an hour later, everyone was finished with their potions. Slughorn made his way around the room, testing them all.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23 ⏰

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