Chapter 3

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The next morning Lorelai had accidentally woken up late, luckily not late enough that she would miss breakfast. The girl rushed to the Great Hall putting her robe on and got inside just as she wrapped her scarf around her neck. She smiled when she saw her best friends already sitting at the table, stuffing their faces with food like always.

"There's our girl!" James yelled, gaining the attention of the whole Gryffindor table. Lorelai rolled her eyes, but smiled anyways and sat between James and Remus.

"Not so loud, Prongs. Remember" She pointed out, gently placing a hand on Remus' shoulder not knowing that her touch had instantly relaxed his very tense and achy body.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Moony" The Potter boy apologised, giving his best mate a guilty smile.

"All good, Prongs" Remus muttered with a small smile, before sipping on some of his pumpkin juice.

Lorelai got herself some scrambled eggs, sausages and toast along with some fruit salad and English tea. Before digging into her food, the girl grabbed her bad and pulled out a thermos.

"Watcha go there, Rory?" Peter asked.

"My famous hot chocolate. And no, none of you are having any except Rem" Lorelai said, watching as their faces went from excited to sad pouts. Grabbing a mug, the witch filled it up and handed it to the werewolf.

"Here, Moony. I added some cinnamon to help with your aching muscles, and I added a bit of orange flavouring because they're your favourite. Also, happy birthday" Lorelai spoke lowly, watching Remus take a sip and smiled in relief when he didn't scrunch his face up in disgust.

"Merlin, this is good, Lor. Thank you" Remus said softly, a smile appearing on his face as he looked to the girl beside him.

Lorelai always made him her hot chocolate with different flavouring, and it always helped relieve some of the anxiety, aching muscles and bones.

"You're welcome" She beamed, before beginning to eat her breakfast. The group spoke amongst themselves, that was until a heap of owls flew in with different sized packages.

"Post is here. Bet my mum sent me a letter telling me how much of a disappointment I am" Sirius said with a chuckle, although they could see a hint of sadness in his blue eyes.

Lorelai reached over the table to grab his hand, and gave it a squeeze. The Black wizard looked into her green eyes, his heart doing a flip and he felt himself fall even harder for her.

"Who cares what that old bat says, Pads. Nothing she says is true" Owen said, giving Sirius a beaming smile which also seemed to lift his spirits.

Lorelai went to speak up, but her owl Berty dropped a letter in front of her before flying off. The girl noticed the familiar hand-writing, and excitedly ripped open the envelope.

"Who's it from---" James went to ask, but quickly got shushed making him pout like a baby.

Lorelai read through the letter, before she let out a loud excited squeal making James jump and smack his knee against the table, Sirius inhaled his pumpkin juice and started coughing up a lung, Owen nearly swallowed his fork, Peter choked on his food and Remus cringed at the loud noise.

"Blimey, Lor! You scared the hell out of us" James groaned, rubbing his throbbing knee.

"I'm--I'm sorry, I just--oh my Helga this is exciting" She exclaimed getting up quickly, and basically bolted out of the Hall. The boys looked to each other in confusion, concerned that the Scamander-Sallow girl had officially lost it.


The school day had gone by rather quickly, Lorelai hadn't spoken a word about what had happened that morning and she found it amusing how the boys kept whining like babies because she wouldn't tell them.

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