Chapter 6

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Lorelai yawned for the umpteenth time and it was only seven in the morning.

The Scamander-Sallow girl had been up since four in the morning studying for the O.W.L's that were coming up soon, and technically she had been studying non-stop for the past few days. One reason being that she wanted to pass, and the other reason because she wanted to distract herself from the fact that Sirius had hardly spoken to her since their little spat.

They had said a few words in passing, but other than that the two hardly spoke which she was both confused and sad about. The others had reassured her that he was just sulking and that he will get over it eventually.

"Hey, Lorelai" Came the voice one of her roommates, Matilda Bones.

"Hey, Tilda" Lorelai smiled, glancing up at her before going back to her studying.

"Please don't tell me you've been studying all this time?" Matilda groaned, earning an innocent look from the young witch.

"Well, you need to have a break. Breakfast starts in ten minutes" The girl stated, before leaving the room.

Lorelai bit her lip in thought, her green eyes flickering from the book in front of her and to the dorm room door. The Scamander-Sallow witch groaned in annoyance, before slamming the book shut and made her way to the great hall.

She walked over to the Hufflepuff table where she saw Owen eating his breakfast. Lorelai plopped herself next to him, making him jump at her sudden appearance.

"Merlin's beard, Lor. You bloody scared me" Owen breathed out, a hand placed over his heart making his best friend roll her eyes.

"Don't be so dramatic, Owen. Now pass me the bacon will ya?" Lorelai ordered, earning a huff from the blonde male who handed her the plate of crispy bacon. The girl piled her plate with bacon, scrambled eggs and pancakes with a cup of tea.

Over at the Gryffindor table, the Marauders had noticed how Lorelai didn't come over to their table today.

James knew why she was, and he understood. Remus was annoyed at the Black wizard, because if he isn't jealous then Sirius shouldn't be either. Peter was oblivious like always, and Sirius was shoving food in his mouth with a moody look on his face.

"When are you going to apologise to her?" James asked the Black wizard.

"What do I need to apologise for?" He huffed, though he knew full well why he needed to apologise.

Sirius had always been stubborn, especially when it comes to saying sorry for something that he did. The wizard hated that Lorelai wasn't talking to him and he missed her like crazy, but his jealousy was still there and won't back down.

"Mate, stop being an idiot and say you're bloody sorry. I did, and it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. Do you really wanna lose Lorelai all because you're jealous that she's close with Severus?" The Potter teen questioned with a quirked brow, giving Sirius a stern look.

"Me? Jealous of Snivellus? Please" Sirius scoffed, rolling his grey eyes.

"Bloody hell, Pads. Stop being a pillock and apologise" Remus snapped, but instead of answering him, Sirius glared at him and left the hall with a huff.

"How come you aren't jealous of how close Rory is with Severus?" James asked the werewolf.

"I'm not the jealous type, Prongs. Lorelai can be friends with whoever. Plus, who am I to say she can't be friends with him? I'm not that kind of person" Remus answered truthfully, taking a sip of his coffee and a bite of his toast.

"Maybe you should give Sirius some tips on how to not be jealous and an asshole" Peter snickered, causing the other two to laugh along with him.


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