part 7

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Varun pov

Today I feel kind of peace in my heart. Before today when ever I spend time with her their is nagging feeling about my mother but today without that feeling I feel happiness, peace and completeness in my heart.

After everything is cleared yesterday I realised I love her , she completes me .I feel like I won the world just by having her beside me. Did she also love me? Or not . No no noo , she loves me ,she should love me.

Present we are dinner at home when my father started speaking.

Srinivas- there is one good marriage proposal for Mounika, the proposal came before only but at that time we thought about Varun and Mounika so I rejected but now I think I should proceed with them.

Hearing my father I was shocked how can he think of marring Mounika to some else. Before I speak anything

Mounika - I want study further mamaya ( uncle)

Srinivas- but Mounika you are never interested in studying.

Mounika - oh mamaya...

Srinivas-see Mounika..

Before my father continued I shouted at my father

Varun - why are you thinking to proceed with that proposal, Mounika is my to be wife and she will be my wife.

For that my father also shouted

Srinivas-oh then what about the girl you loved .

I got tears in my eyes.

Varun- I know dad ,I made a mistake but why are still punishing me. You very well know there was no one .

Srinivas- ok , I know there is no one but this is also true you lied because you don't want to marry Mounika.

Varun-no dad I want to marry her ,it just my eyes were closed with jealousy.

I kneeled before my father and continued

Varun-please dad don't seperate her from me , I can't leave without her.

I got up and went to Mounika , hugged her tightly

Varun - I love you Mouni , I didn't realise it till yesterday but when we are alone I always did what makes you happy that because of my love for you which I never realised. Please don't leave me, marry me jaan .

I felt wetness on my shirt and realised that my mouni is crying. I took her face in my hands 

Varun - i am very bad , i always make you cry. Please don't cry jaan.

Mounika - no bava , these are happy tears. I love you more, you know I love you even before I know meaning of love. Why Will I leave you when I can't leave with out you.

We heard clap sound and my family is clapping with smile on there faces.

Srinivas - so when are you going to get married.

Varun- right now.

My mother hit my shoulder listening me.

Lakshmi - srinivas I want have grand wedding for my kids so after 2 months is ok.

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