part 3

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Varun pov

I came back home from office. Mounika is waiting for me in living room. I don't understand why she is acting like she care for me when she doesn't. By seeing me she came running to me hugged me but I didn't hug her back.

Mounika - you know bava(aunt's son) today I made a cake .

Even though I hate her I don't know why can't I  ignore her when she so enthusiastically speak to me . So even though I want to avoid her ,still I reply to her always. And to my surprise I only hurt her when mom is there even though I always think I will never let her happy.

Varun - why ?

Mounika - oh bava(aunty's son) , did you forget today is my last exam . I completed my exams bava.

Varun - if you would have been this enthusiastic to prepare for exam you would have topped university.

Mounika - oh bava(aunty's son) you very well know I always only wanted to rule your heart.

When ever she says this my heart always skips a beat .

Varun- go to sleep ,it's already late. Iam going to sleep

I left without listening her reply.

Morning  I was ready to leave to office after breakfast. I went to dinning room where every one where waiting for me and Mounika except mom who is waiting for only Mounika. I went sat on my chair and Mounika also came and all started having breakfast. Mom started feeding Mounika even though she acts like she wants eat by her own . my father cleared his throat. I looked at him

Srinivas- Varun , Mounika completed her studies. I think now you both should get married now.

Varun-I don't want to marry her Nana(father), I love someone else

I was about say ok but after seeing her shy smile and my mom caring her hair ,I lied to my nana( father)

Srinivas (varun's father) - what do you mean by love someone else. It was decided long back that you are going to marry Mounika.

By seeing her tears ,I wanted take my words back but seeing my mom's glare I continued my lie

Varun- we can't make heart to fall love with decided person . I fall for other girl .

Srinivas - stop your nonsense, I very well know what you are doing.

Lakshmi ( varun's mother)-  you regret this

Saying this she took Mounika from there

Varun in mind- regret, do you ever regret  loving that girl more your son's. I will never let her be happy .

I return home and unlocked door. To my surprise Mounika is waiting for me even though I hurted her today morning, seeing me ran me like everyday and hugged me.

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