Ha, he's playing this game with the wrong person, "Coffee. Anything is better than that disgusting fish drink." I replied smiling sweetly, opening my eyes a little more in a show of innocence.

I heard Mingi and Yunho snicker.

Quickly after that I took a seat between San and Jongho because it seemed pretty exciting to me to sit beside two most quiet and silently scary people. That was a little false reason though.
The real reason was that from here I can clearly see the angel's face and his smile.


Author's POV:
The seating arrangement:
      Hwa __ Mingi __San  Golden
H.J.                                           Jongho
      Yun   Athena  Yeo  Woo  Elora

Yun SeByeol's POV~

"Now when everyone is present, I'm here to announce that we'll be reaching the next island in 3 weeks where we're going to buy more goods and everything we need. That would be the place where we're going to free you Miss. Athena." Hongjoong talked in a controlled and even voice, staring at Athena in the end. "And you might already know what we're really here for. So lets start with it and quatermaster and navigator listen carefully and ask any questions if you have."

Athena nodded hesistatingly.

For the next 15 minutes she talked about the way which will lead these pirates to a ring? I'm going to ask Elora later what it is about. And this is the first time I saw Wooyoung focusing so much. He had outlined a rough map while asking few questions here and there without smiling or chuckling even one bit. It was a little weird to see him this dedicated but I believe that this thing is really important to them.

I was a little bored though. I mean it was all about directions and the difficulties in the way. Boring.

I looked around bored and noticed that all of them were focusing. I looked to my left at Jongho who was staring nonstop without blinking at Athena. Again I wondered if he's okay or not. His hands were on the table folded and that's when I noticed two unconnected iron manacles on his wrists. It looked a little hurting. Now I'm really concerned. Is he okay? There's a question in my mind which I don't want to even think about but can't help and wonder. Was he a slave? Not wanting to think about it anymore I turned to my right.
Oh my god.

Holy heavens.

Without my permission, my jaw was hanging open in shock and concern.

Lucifer. Yes, that's the perfect description of who I'm looking at right now. With his long black hair slicked back and the red highlights falling over his eyes, San looked ravishing.
His right eyebrow peirced and a scar like Jongho's on the other one, It wasn't as big as Jongho's though. His jaw line looked like it could cut through glass. His cheek bones so godly that for a moment I believed he was a sculpture. He also had a bull peircing. Moving my vision a little down to his neck. I noticed one more scar, it wasn't too visible because of his almost turtleneck. That scar didn't looked like a simple one though. It looked like a wound after being strangled badly. What past had he gone through?

I looked up again on his profile when I nearly forgot how to breathe.
Red . His one eye was red. I was so overwhelmed by this fact that I almost didn't heard the question Hongjoong asked.

"Miss.Golden, can you feel any upcoming danger?"

I blinked for a few moments and than cleared my throat answering with a voice that wasn't mine, "No. No danger yet."

Hongjoong nodded and finished the meeting with, "You all are done for the night. Go back to your rooms and have a nice sleep. Tomorrow we have a lot of work to do. Elora, take Miss. Athena and Golden to your room. Provide them everything they need and also make sure that they don't try to escape."

Elora nodded and answered, "Yes captain."

With that I was in our room, looking back at what happened. The only thing I could focus on though were his red eyes.


Hongjoong's POV~

"You're not really trusting them. Are you captain? " Wooyoung questioned the moment the ladies left the room.

"I am not. Though I believe that Miss. Athena told us the right way. What I'm completely sure of is that she's hiding something. Something really important related to this. And that's why Yunho and Mingi, I need you both to keep an eye on her. Look out for any weird behaviour and lies. Try to befriend her and find out what she's hiding."

"And about that little vixen?" Asked Seonghwa irritated.

"I don't trust her." I answered, "She could be one of the spies sent by the government for all I know."

"But she knows magic. And we all know that the government has zero sense about it." Mingi opposed.

"That's what I'm worried about Mingi. That the government has found and controlled the people of one of the magical islands. "

"But that's not possible." Retorted Yeosang.

I nodded, "I hope that I'm wrong. But we still can't trust her. She has few things which would be beneficial for us in this long journey, and I just hope she hadn't faked being a Clairvoyant or else" I sighed.

"Or else I'll kill her." Said Seonghwa finishing my sentence pleased.

"Yes. Seonghwa and San, I want you both to keep an eye on Miss. Golden. Do not befriend her because she'll do it herself. But most importantly, do not scare or harm her if you're not sure about her being any danger. But if you're sure than you both have my permission to behead her. And Yeosang, don't be too naive to trust her blindly. You never know when the person you care about will betray you. " I finished.

Seonghwa smile maliciously, Yeosang nodded with visible sadness while San gave no reaction.

I spoke after a moment, "You all are dismissed."

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