"Yes, she is, but Mom is determined to show Goliath what humans are really like underneath even their so-called friendly sides. They aren't to be trusted." Jasira proclaimed firmly.

"Have you even been around humans? Did Sevarius treat you badly like he did me?" Brooklyn asked.

"No. I never even met this Sevarius."

"Good. But it was through him that you came to be too. Not just your mother having her way with me so long ago. Please, Jasira. You have to let me go." Brooklyn pleaded, squirming in the chains. He felt like he could barely breathe with the chains on his belly.

"I don't have to do any such thing, Daddy. I had to know who you were before I was to do anything further." Jasira declared.

Brooklyn felt awkward being called Daddy. He never would have expected to find himself being a father so young, and mateless for that matter. "What are you going to do then?" he asked in dread.

"Mom wants me to get you out of the way while she takes care of Goliath and the others, though she wants Angela to stay with her too. She's my sister." Jasira explained.

"Jasira, please tell me, you aren't a clone, right?"

"No, I am not a clone. I was created how gargoyles create their children save having been incubated in a test tube because I know of my mom's human and gargoyle transformations. She couldn't sustain a pregnancy with those." Jasira explained. "I also had accelerant used to get me this far to be like in my twenties as they say. I'm about the equivalent of fifteen."

Brooklyn was grateful she wasn't a clone, but he had to get her out of here. If she truly was his daughter, she didn't belong with Demona. He would fight to protect her.

"Jasira, I may have just met you, but please, don't do this. You don't seem like the type to have killed before. Please, don't cross that line. I promise that if you get me and my clan out of here, we'll take you with us and teach you how to truly be a gargoyle. Demona lost what it meant to belong to our clan a long time ago. She may be your mother, but she's done nothing but lie to you." Brooklyn tried pleading to get the girl to release him.

"I don't think so, Daddy." Jasira said in a cold voice. "Mom told me you would pull something like this. When I return, your time is up!" Jasira turned her back on her father and left the room, closing and locking the door behind her.

Brooklyn knew that Demona would raise a child of hers to do nothing but learn to kill. Jasira didn't seem like the type to have killed an innocent yet. He was trying hard to save his daughter. Though he had just met her, he would do anything to save her. Jasira deserved a real life away from fear and hatred. That's the life that would await her if she stayed with Demona. He knew that Demona was teaching her to be a killer of humans. He didn't want any child of his to be a killer, save for only killing in the heat of a battle if needed. Killing him and his clan while they were in shackles was downright cowardly in itself. He had to keep trying until he was really dead.


When Jasira got back to the control room, she had to have a talk with her mom. Had her mom lost a baby before? And was the clan truly as bad as she said they were? Her dad didn't seem like a vicious type. But then, Jasira didn't know her father at all. She just knew him by his looks and lies told of him.

When she stepped back into the room, Demona asked, "So, was your meeting with your father as pleasant as you thought it would be?"

"He doesn't seem so bad, Mom. Is it true you lost a baby before?" Jasira asked.

Demona looked down sadly. "Yes, it is true. You had a brother. But I was determined to have a child to be with me."

"Brooklyn said you uh, forced yourself on him and kept him captive for four months. Tortured him too. And you were with this Sevarius."

"I had to work with Sevarius to help create you. You see, it's nowhere near our breeding year and I was determined not to wait so long. But I wanted a handsome male to help father you, even if you never met him. Now you have. But we had to keep Brooklyn under control with a shock collar. We also ran tests to see what gargoyles could handle at times. The humans had to find out what Brooklyn could handle as a way of studying a gargoyle's anatomy and tolerance." Demona explained. "But after you were born, it was time for us to leave all that behind. I wanted you safe from those humans."

"Dad said that not all humans are evil, like that Elisa lady." Jasira stated.

"He'll say anything to win you over and take you home." Demona said.

"He seemed to be a good gargoyle. Can't we just live in peace with the clan?"

"They'll thwart our plans all the time. And they'll continue to protect the humans. Getting rid of them is the only way to be able to destroy the humans." Demona explained to Jasira.

"Brooklyn said that our purpose is to protect the humans, but why?" Jasira asked.

"It's because humans are weaklings. They can't do anything to defend themselves without having artificial weapons such as a stupid gun or a knife to defend themselves. We are stronger than they are physically. Even when building the castle back in the 900s, we were the ones who did most of the heavy lifting of each stone. But humans will do anything to attack one another and us." Demona described the past and what she knew of humans. "Humans are nothing but a plague on this planet, my dear. I am only wanting to get rid of the humans for us, you."

"What if you destroyed the humans and left the clan in peace to live?"

"Then they would come complaining that they no longer had a purpose. Surviving like any living creature is a lot better than protecting those evil creatures." Demona exclaimed.

"Can't we just not tell them of our plans and just let them go and enjoy their lives?" Jasira asked.

"It's possible, but Goliath is the one that must ultimately be destroyed. Without him, the clan might change their tune some more. Goliath is also a disgrace for leaving me and making a mate out of that woman I brought back here to destroy as well." Demona decreed.

"But who would lead the clan if Goliath wasn't in charge anymore?"

"I would gladly do it, but since they don't want me with them, I know that your father had been chosen to be his Second in Command." Demona explained. She pondered for a moment, then came up with a thought. "Perhaps you are right, Jasira. I could release Hudson and the younger gargoyles, but Goliath and the detective are to be done away with. Brooklyn will be their new leader, but he is also going to pay a price for their freedom. And without Goliath to lead him, Brooklyn will figure out a new way to lead or he'll give up the role entirely, throwing their clan out of disorganization." At the sound of it, Demona liked that possibility. She was going to hurt Brooklyn's mentality again and there was only one way to do it, with the price that she was going to make Brooklyn pay for the clan's freedom.

"Jasira, dear, perhaps it would be wise if you didn't watch Brooklyn's payment to me. It's a private thing to be done." Demona insisted. "Try to go find something else to do. Go talk to your sister again. But don't tell her about our plans to destroy the humans."

"Alright, Mom." Jasira replied. She hated when she was treated like a small child.

Demona smirked and was going to go see the red male. Perhaps her daughter was right, that the clan didn't need to be destroyed, just not told of her plans any further. She could still destroy them without the clan knowing anything. 

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