On the other end, Goliath was shocked to be hearing Demona's voice. "Demona! What are you doing with Elisa's earphone?" He demanded fiercely.

"I have your precious detective captive, Goliath. You and the others are going to come to my place of ...(Destination) if you want to see the detective alive again." Demona proclaimed. "And bring the whole clan with you if you want to see her alive again. Be there in two hours or Maza will pay with her life!"

Goliath didn't like the sound of this. "Very well, Demona. We will come."

"Good." Demona smirked evilly, then crushed the earpiece.

Then she tied Elisa's hands and feet together before putting her in a net to carry her to her home.


At the castle, patrols were going to wait until after breakfast, but Goliath came inside to find his clan waiting for food.

"Stop! This is no time to prepare for eating. Elisa is in trouble!" Goliath blurted out.

That got the others' attention too. "What's going on, lad?" Hudson asked in concern.

"I just got a call from Demona from Elisa's earpiece, meaning she must have broken into her house again, or some other place she encountered Demona." Goliath explained. "And we are all to go to... (Destination) in two hours."

"We can't let her do Elisa harm!" Brooklyn spoke up in a firm voice. "Not after what she did to me!" He growled.

He hadn't seen or heard from Demona in months, and he liked it that way, but he was still scared of what could happen to them all, considering what Demona had done to him in the past. The bad memories of rape and torture sent shivers down his spine. It had taken him a long time to heal from that mess and he didn't want to go back to feeling fearful.

The clan hurriedly got ready and took flight to the place they were told to go. It was a castle-like place.

"I hope we can find Elisa in here." Angela stated.

"We will find her if it's the last thing we do." Broadway declared.

"Perhaps we should split up." Hudson suggested.

"Right. We'll search in small groups." Goliath agreed.

He assigned Broadway and Hudson together. Himself, Lexington, and Angela. Brooklyn with Bronx. They all split up to go find Elisa.

From the control room, Demona was pleased that the whole clan was here. She smirked. Tonight would be the perfect night to at least get them captured. "You are to stay here until I get them all caught." Demona told Jasira. "They must not find you here."

"Okay, Mom." Jasira replied.

Elisa was in her basement dungeon as it was, hung off the ground, spread eagle-out on a wall. It would eventually lead all the clan there.

Broadway and Hudson were the first to get caught. They went down a hallway and fell through a trap door that made them fall to the basement into separate rooms.

Goliath, Lex, and Angela were next. A trap door opened up on them going down a hall too. Demona was determined to use trap doors this time. It surprised all of them. They yelled in distress going down the chutes.

Brooklyn and Bronx were last. They came upon a library looking room, reminding Brooklyn of one other time this happened at MacBeth's place.

Bronx smelled around looking for clues. He soon made talon scratches on a wall. "What is it, boy?" Brook asked. He moved the tapestry out of the way and found a door there. He looked for a button or switch to open the door. He eventually found it in the form of a brick shaped stone.

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