parent's weekend

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rue was walking the campus with her iced coffee in hand, mentally preparing herself for the parent's weekend. she did not wanna see her parent's again.

in the midst of her thoughts her eyes laid on a familiar face. leighton and her family were wearing matching sweaters, throwing fake leaves into the air trying to get their perfect shot. rue chuckled at the sight. they looked like the perfect family. rue's eye met with leighton's, the latter couldn't help but smile, rue returned the smile, shaking her head. 

rue stood at the gates of the campus waiting for her family to arrive. she had texted christian to bring them to the main gates and not the girl's dorm. she saw a grey range rover pull over in the parking area so she made her way over to greet her family. her brother was first

"how's college treating you?" he gave the girl a side hug  

"good i guess?" she went over to her father and he pulled her in a tight embrace 

"there's my girl" he enthusiastically greeted 

"mom."  she greeted her mother from afar, the woman just nodding as she acknowledged her daughter's presence without ever looking at her. 

rue got through the day with her mom and she didn't breakdown once. an accomplishment for her. it was time for dinner with her roommates and their parents. christian asked if he could stay back as he'd feel out of place, rue agreed and let him stay in her room.  

the three walked inside the restaurant, taking their coats off, rue found kayla and her parents at a table and joined them. 

"these are my parents, they couldn't meet you guys on the moving in day" rue introduces the them when abby showed up with her dad. 

"yeah i had an appointment" margaret explained as they indulged in conversation getting know each other more. 

rue was bored out of her mind, she did not want to hear about another liquidity of stocks. she was looking around when she made eye contact with leighton who was a couple tables away.

 the blonde raised her eyebrows, aasking how it was going for rue. rue in return put up a finger gun to the side of her head pretending to shoot herself which made the blonde quietly giggle. leighton did not break eye contact as she got up and walked into the restroom. rue following suite. 

"hey" rue softly said when she entered, leighton quickly wrapping her arms around rue's neck as she leaned in 

"hi" she whispered against rue's lips, her fingers playing with rue's baby hair at the back of her neck. 

rue smiled and pressed her lips to the blonde's, as she pressed her palm on leighton's lower back. rue smiled into the kiss. after a moment leighton pulled away, making rue chase the blonde's lips, and she finally captured them. this time rue pulled away, as leighton pressed her forehead to the taller girl. 

"how bad was it at your table?" leighton asked in an airy voice 

"if i had to listen to one more stock type, i'd have stabbed myself in the eye" she closed her eyes, embracing this feeling "how about yours?" 

"it was okay" she whispered when the door opened making the two abruptly part. leighton busied herself with the sing and the dryer suudenly seeming very interesting to rue. in walked kimberly. rue shot leighton a quick lopsided smile before walking out and joining her parents, who were now discussing dating. 

"i think, college is the time for you to explore, it's legal, you're young with a lot of energy-" 

"oh my god, dad" rue cut her father off before he could get into the nasty details. 

"what? i am joking" he laughed as the other dads joined, rue ran a hand through her face, showing her disappointment 

"yeah well, some refuse to explore, so stubborn for what?" rue's mother chimed in, sipping on her wine. her comment obviously directed at her daughter 

"margaret" jay called her wife out in a low voice, sensing his daughter's uncomfortable

"well i don't have to explore because i know what i like" rue, for once stood up for herself 

"relax, you take everything so personally when it's not" this comment made rue sigh, she took out her phone and shot leighton a text, asking if they could meet her at her dorm

the rest of the night was uneventful, they split the bill and walked outside waiting for their car to be fetched. it got late, leighton had already left a while ago. 

"i'll see you, kiddo" jay smiled at her as he got in the driver seat, margaret to the passenger. rue waved a wuick goodbye before rushing back to her dorm 

she opened the door to the common room and saw leighton sitting at one of the couches with rue's brother. 

"christian? what the hell? get out." she told the guy as he got up and walked towards her 

"good choice" he ruffled her hair before getting out of the dorm. 

"i am so sorry, the dinner lasted for longer than i expected." she sat beside the blonde "and i am sorry for him too, i forgot he was here" rue looked at the door her brother had just walked out of

"it's okay" leighton was looking at rue when she was looking away. 

when rue turned around, leighton placed a quick peck on rue's lips. no matter how many times they kiss, rue's reaction is always the same, head spinning, heart pounding and a dreamy look with wide eyes.

 she smiled down at the blonde. she snaked her hand around the back of leighton's knees and the other around her back as she picked her up, leighton's arm instinctively wrapped around rue's neck and the other was placed on her chest. rue took leighton to her room, placing the blonde on the bed as she locked the door. she put on the sitcom they watched earlier, it was the finale. 

leighton had her head on rue's chest, rue's hand mindlessly going through leighton's hair. 

"i think he's gonna die" leighton said after a few minutes 

"why would you say that, i am literally in love with him" rue said showing she was disppointed 

"that's be the perfect sendoff for a character like him" she justified herself 

"if he dies, we're forgetting that happened." she looked back on the screen and laughed at the comeback her favourite character made. leighton kept looking at her laugh, smiling to herself 

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