The First Spark : Part Two (Fall For You)

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Amber POV
Gisela had already pressed her knife deeper, but Lou was faster. A tidal wave of snow slammed into all of us, burying us in a deep purple snowdrift. Choruses of groans echoed all around, except for Bolt, who was surveying the situation from his cage.

I was lying flat under a mountain of snow, my teeth chattering. I tried to dig my way out of the mess, but to no avail. Suddenly, the snow above me cascaded down, revealing Lou's face.

"Lou!" I rejoiced. "Thanks for saving me. But how did you sneak away?"

Lou said nothing, instead wrapping me in a tight hug. And that was when my heart started palpitating furiously, butterflies rose in my stomach and my brain exploded with a mix of feelings. And when I let myself sink into his embrace...I never wanted to leave.

He was the one who pulled away and offered me a warm smile as he extended his hand, "Are you okay, Amber?"

"I—I..." I stuttered nervously. I blushed as I took his hand, and my brain screamed, LOU'S HOLDING MY HAND! AND WHY AM I HAVING THESE FEELINGS?

"Are you sure you're okay, Amber?" Lou studied me carefully. "Your pulse is racing so fast, and you keep on staring at me oddly."

Oh no, please don't tell me he already figured out what I'm feeling, I cursed mentally. Since when are Cryokinetics so good at that?

"Amber?" Lou asked again. "You haven't responded even though I called you, like five times."

I flushed a deep maroon as I stammered, "Uh...yes, of pou—I mean, course!" I was pretty sure my face was as red as my hair, but if Lou noticed it, he didn't push it. So he held my hand and whisked the snow away, revealing a clearing covered with bodies.

Everyone bolted up, glancing around. Gisela and Anna had already readied two storms of hail, pelting them at us. But we were ready this time, deflecting all the blows that rained upon us. Trix quickly pulled Dusk up and whisked the four of them away, much to Bolt's frustration.

"Well, looks like we've got a prisoner then," Maruca glared at Bolt, who seemed to shrink under her stare. "And you'll be telling us all you know."

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