The Meeting

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(Jax talks in a sarcastic tone unless it's important)

Hello my name is Jax I'm an angel no I'm not like those other snobby and obnoxious ones. I'm just trying to find a meaningful purpose in life which I have exploration! Today we will be exploring this lOnG fOrGoTtEn IsLaNd I'm so excited for this as you can see on my face.

"Ok guys here is what's going to happen first we make it to the middle of the island then set up camp while we go there make sure to note anything new." I said to my team.

"Mr. Jax." A girl called to me. "Yes Hannah what is it." I answered. Then she asked me "Is it true this island belonged to the Nagas or was that just a rumor." I answered with a sly smirk. "Of course it is why do you think we are here. To try and find one."

I'm pretty sure I saw the color drain from her face I overheard one of the other people tell her. I was joking I'm glad that was cleared up. On our way to the designated camping point which was the center of the island we've seen so many rare and unique things ranging from plants to animals.

"Okay y'all let's set up everything." I said putting down my bags. As everybody went and set up their tents and stuff I went and put cameras around our camping spot in case something tried to enter the camp.


I woke up to a bug on my face. Way to start off a day I guess. I got up and went to the river nearby to wash up when i saw a cave covered up by rocks. "That's odd I don't see anything nearby that would have these rocks fall here and it looks like it was placed here on purpose.

I went back to the camp to get everyone. "Hey guys I found this cave it was weirdly blocked off." I said walking up to everybody. "Let's go explore it."

It took about 5 hours just for us to move all the rocks away. The cave was really dark Brian and Andrew went in first to make sure it was safe cause they were the only people with magic use license.

After 10 minutes went by we heard screaming and then Brian and Andrew came out of the cave running. "What the fuck happened!" I yelled running up to them. "Run there is a monster!" Brian yelled while Andrew was running back to the camp screaming like a banshee.

All of a sudden we heard a loud hissing noise coming from the cave. "Fuck it's that monster it was to dark to see and that thing attacked us." That's when I finally noticed Brian had a slash mark on his torso.

As a hissing sound got closer to us everybody froze fear. "Holy shit guys that's a Naga!" Hannah screamed. Shit shit shit I'm not dying like this no not me. But as soon as he saw me he immediately stopped.

"An angel."

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